10 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

10 extra-ordinary signs of a spiritual awakening and guess what…I’m 10 outta 10. Yup.

1. Suffer from depression and anxiety
I don’t suffer from depression, that’s a serious condition I don’t take lightly after a friend invited me into her world of depression. I don’t suffer from anxiety either, however, I do get into funks and do feel a little anxious sometimes when I think about what the future holds because I do have a deep knowing of the truth and it sometimes really bothers me.

2. Seek answers, look beyond the veil
Ever since my spiritual awakening last March I can’t get enough of researching anything and everything. All the psychology courses I’ve sat through, which is many as I’m a few semesters away from my Bachelors in Applied Psychology, don’t compare to what I’ve experienced through learning and teaching myself. There’s no price tag on a diploma of wisdom acquired through experiencing crash courses of life lessons. Doesn’t even compare to a PhD in anything in my opinion.

3. Connecting with nature
It’s no accident I ended up at the beach in a tent because for right now it doesn’t get any closer than that to being in nature. I’m not as afraid of spiders as I used to be. I was never really “afraid” of ’em, okay maybe I was but not anymore. Still don’t wanna share living quarters with ’em per se but I don’t freak out like I used to.

4. Seeking freedom and realizing you’re sovereign
I was born a free spirit and I will die a free spirit. Period. Reality is what you make it and if you don’t like something, change it. End of story.

5. You start questioning if you really want to be awake or not
This couldn’t be anymore true, and to this day, and I don’t know when and if that’ll ever change. Some days I wish I didn’t know the things I know and get a little anxious when I can only imagine what could possibly be next. Some days I don’t really wanna keep going, especially when I think how much happier I’d be with my mom. Don’t get me wrong, I have no desire to really end my life as that’s another subject I don’t take lightly because I had a family member do just that and it’s very painful the wake of sorrow that’s left behind for the rest to try and swim through. But I’d be lying if I said it never crossed my mind. Besides, even if I did try God would just shake His head at me and be like you’re silly and just put me right back onto the battlefield cause that’s exactly where I belong. Not only am I a free spirit but I’m a spiritual warrior to boot.

6. Your relationships begin to shift
It should actually say disappear because that’s more of what I’ve experienced. People who don’t get what you’re going through either won’t want to understand it and/or won’t respect it so I guess it’s easier to be ignorant than expand your mind. When I say ignorant it’s not in a condescending manner, the definition simply states lacking knowledge or awareness. The bright side though is that eventually (and slowly) you will start to discover what I call my soul squad but I don’t care what anybody says it still can’t replace some of your friends and family and that just sucks.

7. Stepping into your power and source and creativity
Stepping into your power and taking it back at the same time. It’s also about being humble, learning to be the bigger person and surrendering. I’m a work in progress with every single sign of course but especially the surrendering with this one. I’m 47% fire with my Aries Sun sign and Leo Rising so surrendering is proving to be a little easier said than done. I’ll get there though, I’d like to think I’m close.

8. Heightened intuition and synchronicities
You start to “just know” things. Don’t ask me how I know some of the things I know because I just do. And I will never give you an “I told you so” because with time you will know too. Synchrones don’t surprise me one bit anymore. Now I wonder sometimes why I didn’t get like twenty today like I normally do. They’ll never lose their shock value completely but it’s the ones that blow your mind that I look forward to because those don’t happen as often as I’d like. In the beginning they were all like that but now they happen so often I look forward to the ones that remind me how awesome it really is to be awake.

9. You start to realize that everything that’s happening is for the greater good
Those exact words came outta my mouth last night when I was on the phone with my girlfriend Sue Dawg. Literally. If I had a dollar for every time I said something or wrote something down and then see or hear it shortly there after my tent would be a double decker with a spiral staircase right in the middle. Every experience I’ve had not only just this past year and half but my whole life good or bad has been preparing me. Everything. And it’s all slowly starting to come together like a jigsaw puzzle. Even that analogy now that I think about because I’m not a fan of jigsaw puzzles because they take too damn long. Patience is truly a virtue and that’s another one of my “work in progress.”

10. Facing your shadows and death
This is actually the most difficult. Not only do I have a lot of shadow work that needs to be addressed because I’m far from perfect but death is extremely painful. And it doesn’t have to be just physical death, in my opinion it can be the death of a friendship or relationship too. Or most importantly it could be the death of a belief system which is actually a good thing but I don’t even look at physical death the same anymore. I look at that as a transition to something better because that’s exactly what it is. I think once you truly realize that we’re here to learn life lessons, correct karmas and build relationships, it makes it a little easier to accept. I like to say it’s not forever it’s just for now. Not gonna lie though, the fact that my mom shows me signs almost daily that she’s still here has helped a lot. I’d probably be lost without those signs. Which by the way everybody can have ’em and I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll say it again, all you have to do for a sign from a passed on loved one is believe and ask. That’s it.