The Big Awakening

As the truth is finally making it’s way around the world and people are finally choosing to wake up and see what’s really happening, most or some anyway, I’ll be the first to admit that it’s a lot to take in but finally realizing what’s really going on is so important to the final outcome and there’s so many layers to it it’s simply mind blowing. I’m just gonna touch on a few here. I’ve been awake for um over a year I’d say and while my moms transitioning was a necessary accident it was meant to happen just like Covid. Unfortunately. Quick side note, I saw a very comforting interview of a woman who had a near death experience and she mentioned that death isn’t random and a lot of times people pass on because they know they can do so much more from the other side and that rings so true in my situation. It’s hard to explain but I feel closer to my mom now than I did when she was physically here. She’s guiding me every step of the way and while it’s still just the beginning for me really, I listen more now than I ever did before. For the most part, I mean I’m a work in progress but I don’t know what you expect from someone who’s birth chart is 47% fire. Yeah there’s that lol and that’s no accident. Mark my words.

But back to our country. As hard as it is to swallow you have to understand they’ve (cabal, Committee 300, matters, cause only God really knows) been using technology to get far enough ahead of humanity since at least WWII to lead us to our own destruction by our own stinkin’ compliance before we had the chance to figure this shit out. Our digitally dominated automatic society. I don’t wanna get too deep but Operation Mockingbird was engineered to operate much like MK Ultra (if you’re not familiar with either don’t Google it, don’t Google anything, DuckDuckGo it) which was designed to completely shatter their victims then subsequently control ’em through trauma-based mind control by inducing fear. Sad but true.

Today’s no different as we’ve been manipulated through the same process with repeated exposure to not just deception but constant fear-based energy and frequencies through mainstream medias bold-faced lies. How can they get away with that you ask, it’s simple, everything and I mean everything is corrupt. There’s a finger of corruption in literally everything. Judicial system, government, big pharma, and those are just the obvious guys. Everything. When this low frequency energy permeates society collectively and then you add a false negative like their narrative, clearly the objective is to get us to adopt their propaganda as our own. And it almost worked. I don’t think you realize how close we came to losing everything. And you can thank the white hats, Donald Trump and the military to name a few for doing all their doing behind the scenes. For those of you that still aren’t awake, it’s not just a spiritual warfare people, but it’s also a psychological war on humanity, and oh yeah let’s not forget that we’re currently at war with China. Not to scare anyone or anything but China’s currently chillin’ 90 miles of the coast just waiting to pounce. Which coast? No idea, probably all of ’em. Yup. Don’t even get me started with good ole Biden and Washington D.C. but that’s a conversation for another day.

It’s all an illusion for false security folks. Hollywood’s been brewing up this deceptive illusion for decades. It’s funny cause you think about movies like The Matrix (that’s the obvious guy), 12 Monkeys, Resident Evil and The Terminator. Those aren’t too far fetched now lol, are they? Spoiler alert too, the Titanic was no accident. Nope. They’ve been showing us all along exactly what they’re doing. Hell, they even wrote books about the Titanic and Covid that were published not too long ago. Covid anyway. There’s no secrets here kids. Social media and smart phones…designed to do EXACTLY what they’re doing and doing a bang up job too. I no longer have a phone which is a blessing and a curse in of itself but I’m just amazed how glued society is to their phones. It’s just insane. I see it all day long, everywhere.


We came so close to being stripped of everything, we were the next Australia and Canada but thank God I think we still have a fighting chance. Sure it’s gonna get uglier, and that’s sooner than later, but at least people are finally waking up. We’ve been brain washed since birth and that’s no joke. It’s been extremely difficult but imperative for me (and all of us eventually) to unlearn everything I’ve been taught and then relearn so much and then what’s happening everywhere on Mother Earth on top of it. Eesh it’s no wonder I go to bed at like 9pm lol. I do wake up often in the early (3am) morning hours too whether I like it or not, and that’s to learn shit whether or not I like that too lol. This new conscious 5D awareness is finally sweeping the nation and thank God for that because God will prevail. If you’re not straight with God I highly suggest you do just that because this shift is happening. I personally love it and feel like it can’t get here fast enough. But like I mentioned it’s gonna get worse before it gets better but it WILL get better. It will. Covid was necessary on many levels, it was a distraction necessary to induce cynicism and apathy along with fear-based consciousness necessary to carry out there sick plans to control humanity.


The antidote to this predicament we find ourselves in today people is the application and activation of our free will. That’s what separates us from the animals, bad analogy maybe but whatever you get what I’m saying. We need to find and exercise our voices and our free will. Our free will to stand up and rise above all this whether be political or not, whatever who really cares, we need to come together as a whole, suit up and show up to oppose the enemy. That’s might be hard when it comes to Washington D.C. though cause in case you didn’t know, we have no constitutional right’s there, nope, unless you’re tight with China anyway. But you can’t deny 2 million people showing up peacefully in defiance with the tyranny because the cabal wants to systematically strip us of our rights and our dignity. Strip of us of our humanity and eventually our lives. I don’t know about you cause I can only speak for myself but I’ve gotta serious problem with that.

I hope you do too.

(Unconditional) Love and Light with a big phat dose of compassion and understanding. That’s me. And fearless of course.

When you know better…you do better. Period.