There’s definitely more than twelve however these are the main guys. They’re my 12 Commandments. Don’t get me wrong, I agree with the commandments, these are just more my lingo.
1. Law of Oneness… everything is connected. There’s one energy flow and one mind. We are all connected through the creation of our Creator.
2. Law of Energy… everything is energy. Thoughts, people, things, everything. This law is also known as the Law of Vibration. Energy comes in countless frequency levels. Energy and vibrations are constantly being sent out into the Universe therefore it’s always in motion.
3. Law of Action… you need to take action steps towards your wants in order to manifest ’em. For example, when setting intentions (like with tonight’s full moon in Aquarius, and every full moon) you must also take action if you want them to come to fruition. God’s not just going to do it for you, God helps those who help themselves.
4. Law of Correspondence… “As Above, So Below” that you see in the Emerald tablets states whatever happens inside your mental space is reflected on the outside. Thoughts become reality so what you’re thinking and feeling with your conscious (and subconscious) mind is what will come to fruition so keep those thoughts positive people and remember to focus on what you do want and not on what you don’t want.
5. Law of Cause and Effect… nothing happens by chance, there are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason good or bad. This law goes hand in hand with the Law of Karma. A prime example of karma would be last night, I did something to my friend Brenna that was super funny and messed up all at the same time. I peed my pants a little I laughed so hard. Instant karma. It was pretty effing funny though so it was worth it.
6. Law of Compensation… this law is an extension of the Law of Cause and Effect stating that what you put out comes back tenfold. Good things happen to good people too and random acts of kindness bring good karma and vice versa.
7. Law of Attraction… everyone should be familiar with this one. You attract everything from your spoken words to your belief systems. Everything in your life is attracted through energy, even people. When you raise your vibration you’ll no longer attract those not in your frequency. I can attest to that 100%. Like attracts like.
8. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy… huh? LOL. Basically you’re in charge of your own life and have the ability to change anything you want. If you don’t like something, change it. You might have to struggle or be uncomfortable for a minute, I speak from experience, but through hard work and transmutation (transformation) it will get better. Energy’s always in motion and it’s your choice whether you accept it or reject it.
9. Law of Relativity… every obstacle or challenge is a chance to learn and/or change a perspective, better ourselves. The Universe will test you constantly to see how far you’ve come. These tests are also to help us learn to let go of judgments on people, events and so forth which is what we do when we compare ourselves to others. Don’t do that. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is the person you were yesterday because today can be a new and better you.
10. Law of Polarity… everything in the Universe has its opposite; good and evil, nice and mean, black and white. It helps us understand between positive and negative especially when it comes to thoughts. It’s certainly not easy to reprogram your thoughts. It takes time to successfully be able to catch yourself thinking negatively and instantly correct it to a positive. We are always a work in progress because at the end of the day we are still human in this lifetime.
11. Law of Rhythm… everything has its unique rhythm and beat which develop into patterns or cycles in life. This law is encouraging us to follow the natural flow of energy, harmony and peace. Resistance is a big fat roadblock.
12. Law of Gender... yin and yang, masculine and feminine, both male and female energies. I shouldn’t have to say it but will specify anyway that it has nothing to do with sexuality and everything to do with energy. It reminds us that in order to mature into these energies we need to have patience as it takes time, nurturing and balance to master ’em.