Do It Anyway

I woke up this morning searching for a guided meditation cause I’ll be honest my biggest issue right now is meditating. Not only do I have a monkey mind to the 10th power but I just find it difficult to sit still. I’ve always found it hard to sit still. Another problem I have is most of the time I feel like I’m doing it wrong when in reality there is no way to do it wrong but my mind keeps telling myself that I am. Anyway I was searching for a guided meditation and I found this and I found it to be not only 100% true but also incredibly insightful, important, and useful and a lot of it just makes sense so I thought maybe somebody else might too.

I don’t think you have to listen to this every day, once was enough for me. On the other hand meditation daily in my life is important on so many levels, spiritual growth being the most important, but its not something I wake up and get excited about. I’ve mentioned before that it’s extremely difficult to erase the belief systems you’ve been brought up with and even harder to reprogram the truth. However with what’s happening today in our country and our world and what’s yet to come, it’s imperative at the very least right now to recognize what’s true and what isn’t.

Truth is a value I hold dear to my heart now along with freedom and those didn’t just develop overnight I had to go through hell and high water to find true value and not only in those two things but a lot of things. I had to lose a lot of people, I had to lose a lot of “stuff” but again its all for purpose because there’s no true growth (on a spiritual level anyway) without experiencing the loss and experiencing the pain and having a big ass slice of humble pie. Let’s be real though, I’ve had the whole pie which is why now I’m gonna get up and go to the gym lol. Like she said in the video, I don’t want to but I’m gonna do it anyway. But first I’ll write this post, then meditate AND THEN go to the gym lol.

I do feel better knowing I’m not a “procrastinator” though, I just have a bad habit of procrastinating. To my defense I’m pretty good at breaking bad habits these days and for that I’m grateful and say thank you. Have a fabulous day.

Love and Light.