144,000 Clarification

I asked Spirit for some clarification on the 144,000 and I received it in the form of The Alchemist. I’ve seen her before and enjoy listening to what she has to say. I have to be honest, she’s a wee bit advanced but I certainly got the clarification I was looking for so thank you. I’m not gonna lie, a few times I had to pause the video to go look up a word but that’s how you learn so that’s what I do. Guess I was absent that day in Biology but hey at least now I know exactly what a gnome is lol. How blessed are we to have the internet these days, researching from an encyclopedia is about as outdated as Atari. Everything we need (and some we don’t need) is right at our fingertips. I heard someone say when everyone can talk to everyone there will be no secrets, and that time is now thanks to the internet, and technology in general of course.

I should’ve known 144,000 isn’t literal in esoteric terms. Besides that anything in the Bible isn’t all to be taken in literal context. I say the Bible speaks in riddles because much of it is allegory and metaphors and much of it can be taken out of context. It was also edited many times over and context gets lost in translation or even translated incorrectly. Take the Kingdom of Heaven for example, that’s not a location. Well it is, it’s just within. The Kingdom of Heaven is God Consciousness which is located within each and every one of us, if we so choose. When it says you will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven it’s talking about inheriting the consciousness of God. One sentence misinterpreted can shift everything.

on a box at work yesterday

According to The Alchemist 144,000/144 is a symbol to all who’ve attained unity consciousness. Volunteers from ascended worlds and realms have come to this physical realm in order to volunteer their higher consciousness to contribute towards the momentum of raising the collective consciousness into a New Earth. Those incarnated come with a dormant mission at hand to awaken the collective and raise the collective consciousness. Servants and helpers of God, God’s ground crew, who bring their frequency and genetic dormant gifts within their physiology.

144,000 has a strong significance to spirituality and our awakenings because it’s true power and true context isn’t found inside religious form nor in it’s newly spiritual form. 144,000 is in direct reference to the fact that our universe is a mirrored universe, what we see is the fact that we’re awakening therefore an ascended being who is entering into, if not already operating in the state of enlightenment. It’s something that’s mirrored to us as we’re awakening and enlightened on all levels of this reality. As above, so below.

Seeing 144 is the universe reflecting to you that you’re going through an awakening at a cellular level, at the level of mitochondria that powers our DNA and going through an amplification process. 144 and 144,000 are both ways to portray that enlightenment is occurring as the result of the union of the hemispheres within your body. When the left and right hemispheres within your body come into their full capacity reaching union, they reach enlightenment. Well that’s exciting.

At its core the 144,000 is a direct reference to the polymerous chain reaction that happens within our DNA amplifying it. 144,000 is an esoteric reference to the light body and that’s why it’s so pivotal that everyone going through an awakening sees the number 144 all the time. It’s mirrored in our universe back to us that that’s what happening on a physiological level, on an emotional level and at a spiritual level because that’s what a mirrored universe does, it shows you every level.

144,000 is also a Hertz, the Hertz that has the vibration of enlightenment. 144,000 is multilayered, first representing the light body, but it’s also a direct reference to the momentum that’s required to accelerate the collective consciousness into an ascended timeline. An important feature about the 144,000 is that these volunteers who came specifically with a mission to raise the collective consciousness have dormant and very beneficial DNA that will unlock in divine timing. When the time is right these volunteers will be able to unlock their frequency therefore helping and assisting humanity and the collective consciousness into higher vibratory.

Well thanks for the clarification and reminding me I’m not crazy lol. Pretty cool stuff. We are in desperate need of a course correction and that’s exactly where we’re headed, that too is in motion. Earth is challenging by design but now’s the time to give everyone the benefit of the doubt which I’ll be honest hasn’t always been easy for me. But I’m now realizing that even through all my hardships, I was able to overcome them and able to do it without hardening my heart. I’m not jaded or judgmental and if anything now have more compassion and understanding towards humanity. That’s not all me though, I have to give credit where credit is due and I can thank the God inside me for most of that, if not all.

Like I said Earth is difficult by design for growth and evolution but we are in special times with even more hardships and challenges, everyone has a cross to bear and obstacles to overcome. Now is the time to give people the benefit of the doubt and know there’s a place for everyone on the New Earth, those who choose to be a part of it. It’s a time of no criticism and no judgements. It’s a time of forgiveness and unity. It is a time of communicating with higher realms and civilizations with diplomacy and respectfulness.

Earths vibration is an issue and unity consciousness is the key. At this point I know I’m here to hold the light, a match bearer if you will. A single match can light up an entire cave of darkness. Sleepers are in spiritual darkness and are in need of guidance. When we walk around with illumination we change that which is dark. Everyone has the potential to be in touch with their Higher Selves, the part of your soul energy that’s on the other side of the veil, the energy of your own personal angelic form. Hey, now I know why I’m seeing so many angel synchronicities, thanks for the revelation that now serves as a double clarification. Damn that’s awesome.


As believers we’re enjoined to grow unto maturity in the things of God, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ – ESPHESIANS 4:13

Clear evidence of spiritual maturity is the ability to discern and walk in God’s perfect will for our lives. This scripture talks about progress in maturity, and if you want to go even further 4:13-16 talks about progressing in stability and integrity taking place in individuals experiences resulting in growth and strengthening. We need a miracle of unity, of oneness. Not to mention it’s my birthday through my moms birthday. In fact I do see these numbers often but just thought it’s because it’s our birthdays.

Amazing but not surprising how this scripture just magically crossed my path as I’m creating this post. I love it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, perhaps with much more compassion then I’ve had in the past with it. The Bible has countless hidden gems hidden within its words. While much of it was edited and mistranslated the Holy Bible has much more to offer than not and when I come across synchronicities like I just did, it’s just confirmation too that much of it is the word of God, and for that I say thank you.

Who’s to say the 144,000 isn’t a combination of D. all of the above. 144,000 angelic beings, reflections from the mirrored universe, 12,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel, Hertz of enlightenment. Nobody really knows everything, not here on Earth anyway. Slowly but surely everything is being illuminated and exposed, the ground crew are finding each other which really emphasizes just how special and powerful these times really are.

Everything is happening in Divine order.

Love and Light