17 Archangels & Spiritual Warfare

ARCHANGELS as I’ve been made to understand ’em are chief Angels in charge of other Angels and responsible for engaging in spiritual warfare. In scripture their connected to Christ’s return. Also responsible for dealing with the devil. Just when you think you’re alone they’re there to help. All you’ve gotta do is believe and ask. They are omnipresent, they are everywhere all the time, you just need to believe to reap the wonderful rewards of the Heavenly Divine. Walk by faith not by sight. Seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing.

We’re all familiar with the three big dawgs: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. But did you know that we currently have 17 Archangels? Just like everything else that evolves so do the Archangels and let’s not forget that we are in the midst of a spiritual war therefore we desperately need every single one of them.

Gabriel…Divine messenger who governs communication, strength and beginnings. Helps interpret direct messages from the Divine. “God is my strength.”

Michael…Protector. Warrior. Protects against negative and psychic attacks and astral debris. Carries a sword and shield and is the most powerful Angel of them all. Responsible for weighing our souls come Judgment Day. Defender of all that’s good. “Principle of light.”

Raphael…Healer. Patron of the sick and those who heal them (doctors and nurses). Deals with everything mental, emotional,  spiritual and physical hurts. Provides healing and comfort through compassion and guidance and protects travelers. Works side-by-side with Archangel Ariel. “God heals.”

Ariel…Wealth and abundance. Helps you achieve abundance of physical and material needs. Oversees nature and animals and the environment. Protector of Mother Nature and the ecosystems. Heals the sick and injured animals and all animals in nature. “Lioness of God.”

Let’s pause for a second and talk about Archangel Metatron. WELL WELL WELL turns out he’s Enoch from The Book of Enoch that was taken up to heaven and just “disappeared.” He has a twin brother that goes by the name of Sandolphon who used to answer to the name Elijah and it was he who taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot. Both relate closely to humans as they were both humans themselves at one point. Things that make me go hmmm.

Metatron…Spiritual empowerment and wisdom. Angel of life and the Covenant. Guards the Tree of Life and keeps track of good deeds in the Akoshic Records aka Book of Life. Helps with decision making and raising vibrational energy. Helps children grow into adulthood. Assists individuals with spiritual and psychic gifts. Affiliated with Sacred Geometry, the key to the Universe.

Sandolphon…Archangel of music. Protector of unborn children and carrier of prayers to God. Associated with spiritual ascension and twin brother to Archangel Metatron.

Haniel…Archangel of joy. Helps maintain Divine connection and communication. Acts as a direct conduit between our lower human energy into higher energy states of the celestial realms. Protector of souls and helps you fulfill your higher purpose. “Joy of God” and “Grace of God.”

Let’s pause and talk about Archangel Jophiel for a second. I have a direct connection with Archangel Jophiel as she also channeled my mother. It started April 16th of last year while I was in Costa Rica during the storm of the century. So cool now that I think back and so grateful. Wow. April 16th was my mother’s birthday and I got those messages every single day for almost a year. I think they ended in November. They ended when I got to the point in my journey where I no longer needed those messages of encouragement, instead they were replaced with messages directly from the Divine and Archangel Michael. No, for real.

Jophiel…Archangel of beauty and wisdom. Assists artists with creativity. Moves quicker than thoughts and through high vibrations. Heals negative emotions and brings the calmness to chaos while guiding individuals to safety. Makes sense my mother came through this Angel LOL. 😇😍❤

Muriel…Governs intuition and emotion. Assists in relieving doubts and emotional struggles. Like all archangels this angel is always willing to assist. “Perfume of God.”

Uriel…Shines light on God’s Truth when it’s dark and confusing. Stands closest to the Creator (illuminated seraphim). Assists with wisdom and insight and provides a direct link to the spirit realm. Helps increase vibrations and develop stronger connections with higher energy. “Angel of wisdom.”

Azrael…Archangel of death and spiritual counselor. Prevents you from losing your mind or doing bad things when you’ve lost a loved one so reach out when you need guidance through the most difficult times. Assists new souls through the Gates of Heaven to eternity.

Zadkiel…Archangel of forgiveness and mercy. Helps you cleanse your spiritual body and enhance your vibrational energy. “Righteousness of God.”

Chamuel…Archangel of peaceful relationships. Helps you find peace within and abundance through inspiration. Call on him when you’re sad or stuck. He’s the one who gives you the ‘butterflies in your belly’ feeling. Awww warm and fuzzies LOL.

Jeremiel…Visions and dreams. Serves humanity and communicates through symbols, mental movies, visions and dreams. Assists you in becoming aware of your thoughts and emotions. Archangel of presence. Has the innate ability to translate the highest light and wisdom of Heaven to you in the physical world which is often done through your subconscious mind. “Mercy of God.”

Raziel…Keeper of the Enigma and God’s right hand man has the innate and unique understanding of how the universe works and operates. Assists increasing psychic abilities and spirituality. Helps you in learning everything yourself, aka your life lessons but also make sure it pays off in the end. “Secrets of God.”

Sachiel…Connected to the planet Jupiter and assists in wealth, success, prosperity, harmony, material gain, growth, evolving, risk-taking and expanding. “Covering of God.”

Orion…Last but not least, a very powerful Archangel. Active guide for humanity during the Age of Aquarius ascension time. Serves on Earth and is somewhat new in stepping forward to actively guide and support us on our ascension journey. Assists in manifesting your dreams to fruition. For all that I say thank you. 💛

And there you have it, you’re 17 Archangels that are all working diligently and silently behind the scenes every second, every minute of every single day of the year, and some of you aren’t even aware of it. That’s okay because with time most of you will. I look forward to those days more than you know and more often than not.

And one last shout out, my apologies I know this post is lengthy but I just wanted to say happy birthday to my amazing Popo who would have been 94 (I think) today but instead transitioned in 1997 and it’s because of him that I have the power to persevere on this crazy cool journey I call mine. Attitude of gratitude and so much love.

Love and Light yo