Angel Assignment

After what I’m gonna call an angel assignment and watching another beautiful soul transition to a better place, getting hit by a car walking in the crosswalk and spending some time in recovery, I’m back at it. Feels good to be back to my journaling, my spiritual studies and back in nature. I love the beach. For me, it doesn’t get any closer to God than being on the beach listening to the waves and soaking in that free vitamin D.

After this past month it has now become crystal clear what it is I’m here to do. Crystal clear. As much as I would love to share right now it’s between me, God and my spirit guides. In a few months I’ll be able to share my gifts with humanity, which is the reason I’m here, the reason my mom passed and reason I keep having to learn these things called life lessons. I have to keep gently reminding myself that I signed up for this before I was even born and just keep going with the flow and rolling with the punches. Or cars LOL.

I did manage to piss off some people along the way but that’s a given. I march to the beat of my own drum, always have and always will. I know more about certain things than, I don’t wanna say most, but a lot of people and I speak truth which people don’t like to hear sometimes. Anywho, I have no problem cutting negativity outta my life. Snip snip snippity snip. It’s imperative I stay positive and keep my vibrations and/or frequency on the highest of levels. So if that means we can’t be friends or whatever then we can’t be friends or whatever.

I’m a firm believer that everything in life happens for a reason, good or bad. Everything. Of course it’s great when it’s good but when it’s bad it can be a bitter pill to swallow not to mention hurt like hell. But at the end of the day it always is what it is and when it does hurt you can bet your sweet astronaut there’s a big fat lesson to be learned.

This journey is so far from easy and sometimes like this past month it’s down right hard. Watching another friend pass away is heart wrenching, but like I said it is what it is and earth is simply a stepping stone where we grow our souls through experience so we can better ourselves for the higher realms that await us.

Spirit speaks to me a lot through music and I woke up with this song in my head yesterday morning…