Life Purpose, and Angel Number Confirmation

Life Purpose, and Angel Number Confirmation Is it a coincidence that last night was (what seemed like) the storm of the century, my mother’s birthday and the evening I received the answers to all the questions I came to Costa Rica with regarding my life purpose and soul mission? The questions I’ve been pondering relentlessly […]

Trips, Trips and Friggin Coffee

Trips, Trips and Friggin Coffee Finally feeling better after a proper diagnosis and right medication. I’m telling ya it’s the little things you take for granted on a daily. Right up there with ice cream and tampons is feeling better thanks to medical attention. Costa Rica is actually known for it’s healthcare system, but you […]

Dengue. Bladder Infection. Same thing, right?

Dengue. Bladder Infection. Same thing, right? After two long weeks of painful this, that and the other the verdict is finally in and it’s an acute bladder infection. Had we just done some extra testing the first time around I wouldn’t have had to go through it twice.   But whatevs, it is what it […]