
By definition dreams are a series of images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring subconsciously in the mind during REM sleep. While there’s no ending and no beginning each dream contains a message coded with metaphors, images and symbols where you can find hidden meanings which can get you excited and leave you confused all at […]

Random Signs

I keep seeing little fruit flies everywhere, and I’m not talkin’ in the kitchen area of the place I’m currently staying because there’s no fruit or wine around. I’m seeing them in the church bathroom, my bathroom, randomly right in front of my face and even just standing outside. Its certainly enough for me to […]

Walmart Messages

Believe it or not I get messages every single time I go to Walmart, sounds silly I know but they’re there and today was no different. My first sign was lettering on a car in the parking lot that read, “It Gets Better.”  The t-shirt in the women’s section that read, “Strong Women Raise Strong […]

Angel Guidance

“Don’t allow yourself to be pulled back to the past. Your power isn’t there. Instead let the memories warm your heart and the lessons lead you forward. This is a fresh new cycle and the time of incredible power. Use this high energy wisely as your thoughts, words and actions are manifesting into form at […]