Angel Number 1111

Angel number 1111 is probably the most frequently seen angel number of them all, I know people who haven’t experienced a spiritual awakening and see this number all the time. Angel number 1111 can have many different meanings and mean something different for each individual. That’s one of the beauties of spirituality, you take what […]


Yesterday was a good day, well every day is a good day, but yesterday was exceptional and here’s a few reasons why. I’m thoroughly enjoying my new job as it fills my heart with joy and my time with fun and laughter, working with special needs has always been as I call it my jam. […]

This That & the Other

Nothing like showing up for work and finding that Spirit has left not one, but two shiny pennies. There really is one on the ground but the bus rolled up to pick up their students so I didn’t have time to check my photo before swooping that penny up and putting it in my pocket. […]