
I like talking about things nobody wants to talk about. By definition transhumanism is a philosophical and intellectual movement which advocates the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies that can greatly enhance longevity and cognition. It’s a class of philosophies that seeks to guide us towards post human […]

The Airshow HB

The airshow didn’t disappoint as we all gathered to watch jets, helicopters and the like fly around Huntington Beach making cool sounds cruising through the beautiful blue sky. Spent the day laughing and watching with some friends from the chapel while handing out free waters and prayers for those who needed it. I don’t care […]


As I’m plowing through my training with flying colors and truly putting all my CNA skills to practice, I’ve also now added tubal feeding, administering medications and giving breathing treatments and am finding myself very comfortable with all of the above. An added bonus is I get to practice my spanish with Maria…word. Like I […]