DisclosureFest Day 2

Another spectacular day at the Luxor collecting confirmations and learning new things. Started my day with some ancient Egyptian imagery and some secrets of soul transfiguration lectured by William Henry. He discussed topics such as angelic intelligence, traveling the stars as light beings, earthly cycles of incarnation and the Milky Way. He also spoke about […]

Seeking God

Seeking God is something I went to bed thinking about and woke up with it even heavier on my mind so it’s something I feel compelled to write about. Never stop seeking God, and if you aren’t familiar with God at all then start seeking Him. It is another reason, if not the main reason […]

After Death

Angel Studios doesn’t disappoint, I’m loving their productions more and more. Just got home from watching the movie After Death, what a great movie, everyone can definitely benefit one way or another from seeing it. I’ve always been fascinated with NDE’s (near death experiences) and as many times as I’ve cheated death, seriously, I’m surprised […]