Two Pennies

Spirit never seizes to amaze me, I swear to God, it’s so beautiful. As it was getting close to closing up the shop tonight a little boy, I don’t know five or six, came right up to me and said, “I have something I want to give you.” I replied with, “you do?” He confirmed […]

Jesus Is Pleiadian

Holy shit balls, when I received this channeled information, not my channeling but another persons channeling, I almost fell off my sofa with excitement, and for a number of reasons. I love all things Pleiadian and humanity doesn’t even know the half of how instrumental the Pleiadians really are in assisting with this shift right […]


Innate, a word I find fascinating and a key player in our body and its systems. It’s an intelligence in our cellular structure that’s not necessarily represented in our brain. The brain is our master computer, it has a part of our consciousness but not all. Our consciousness is really part of a triad between […]

Food For Thought

I don’t know about eight to ten days but it most certainly will affect everybody. He talks a little bit about Bill Gates eradicating polio. Hmmm, that’s interesting because from I understand that’s the next plandemic, affecting children, so don’t make any travel plans in 2025. That’s not conspiracy, that’s straight out of Bill Gates […]

Egypt & Esoteric

Food for thought is important because it should get your gears grinding with a desire to ask questions and desire to learn more. I’m naturally curious with a drive for justice and equality not to mention a passion and love for humanity and the healing we all so desperately need to move forward in these […]

John Henry

I watched another beautiful soul transition to a better place, this time literally. I held is hand as he mustered the courage to go Home. It was bitter sweet as he spent a grueling ten days in ICU with no signs of improvement halfway through. I didn’t miss a day, sometimes twice a day to […]