More Amazing Stuff

AntsCanada! I’ve been watching this since he magically showed up in my feed, I think season 1 episode 3 or 4. Regardless, I look forward to it weekly, every Sunday I cozy up after I get home from work and watch intently with a permanent smile for however long I’m blessed with his ecosystem-like vivarium. […]

Psychic Fair

I had no idea how wonderful my day would end, giving me everything I need to get myself back in the game. I went to Tustin looking for outdoor skate rinks and after disappointments from both I decided to look up a metaphysical store near me because those always make me feel better. Nothing in […]

Love Not Fear

A channeled message from Jesus was brought to my attention. Not my channeling, this one is by John Smallman. Everyone channels for the record, whether you realize it or even believe in it, where do you think inspiration comes from? When you’re in the flow, losing track of time, especially when you’re doing something creative, […]