
I was having a conversation with a customer a couple weeks ago and he asked me what I was passionate about. My immediate response was, “well, I’m an Aries so I’m passionate about just about everything”. I’m not a huge fan of on the spot deep questions so that was the first thing out of […]


  I pulled a card literally on my way out the door to Colorado last week. #16 Achievement…Completion, Reward. I mean that says it all really. This card talks about great satisfactions, things coming to completion and reaping the rewards. There’s a big sigh of relief with the storage unit shuffle complete. Cleaning out Colorado […]

Fast Tracking

I fell asleep to one of Jason Stephenson’s sleep meditations, he has all kinds of fantastic sleep meditations and I fall asleep to them often. Last night was connecting with your spirit guide which is ironic now that I actually read the title after the fact because it says connect with your higher self and […]