2222 Portal

This August 22, 2022 portal opening today (for many of us) reminds us that the change is real and it’s happening right now. Once we’ve completely embraced this transition our world, ourselves and others will be drastically altered. This change isn’t going to happen overnight, only God knows how long exactly it will take but the change is from 3D duality to 5D oneness, from the ego to our higher selves (also known as our souls) and most importantly from fear to love and from false reality to a new reality.

We shouldn’t be duped by misinformation but unfortunately it’s running rampant everywhere but know the narrative is crumbling and the new world will emerge from the collapse. Instead of rivalry and division the new world is built on love, connection, collaboration and cooperation.

There’s an illusion that we need more material things to be happy and this illusion needs to be abandoned as soon as possible. What we need most right now is clarity so we can figure out how to contribute to building a better society leaving behind the old paradigm.

Freedom, unconditional love, individual expression and oneness serve as the cornerstones of this new world. Each of us who are experiencing the change inside our own awareness (and globally) know that it’s altering how we see ourselves and others.

The change isn’t simply a process occurring inside individuals but it’s also a 1,000 plus year evolution and will continue until the planet no longer exists. According to my geography professor the sun will eventually blow up earth however many millions of years from now but again only God knows that answer for certain.

More people are waking up to their true potential and stepping into their power as creators of reality and co-creators with the Universe. Increased awareness along with more compassion, less discrimination on every level while judging no one is the change we’re seeing more and more of, however, there are those who fear change and are quite comfy with their current behaviors and materialistic strongholds along with belief systems. They will fight against this evolution because “new” can be scary and they will stop at nothing to change the status quo even when it’s unfamiliar or corrupt.

It all comes down to assuming personal responsibility in our lives and experiences because changing ourselves is where we need to start. As we develop coping mechanisms (the new world will be new but it won’t be perfect) life will slowly become simpler and the flow will become easier.

Worrying about our past actions or events that haven’t or may not even occur prevents us from enjoying the present moment. Stop complaining and be mindful of the energy you’re putting out into the Universe. When we spend too much time thinking about what hasn’t happened yet whether it be positive or negative it eventually becomes our reality because whether you know it or not, like it or not, that’s manifesting at its finest.

Now’s the time for everyone to listen to their inner voices and utilize our unique talents to assist others in raising the vibration of our beautiful planet. Everyone is a special expression of Source and it’s all our own uniquenesses making us all contributors, so don’t fuck it up. LMAO sorry, ask me how I really feel?

Every one of us has a vital part to play in this transformation. We need to listen to our inner direction and utilize our own unique skills and abilities for the sake of humanity. A better world is only possible when we all work together.

Being present and aware (awakened) to what’s really happening right now makes us all more helpful as we all have certain talents that collectively can contribute to building a brighter future. On one of my walks the other day I saw a sign that read “Fresh Face Society.” It was a business of some sort but in my mind it was also a sign and synchronicity to me and a reminder why I’m working so hard, not just to better myself, but to strive for a better world.

Those who choose to awaken and even some who don’t all have a genuine purpose and mission and whether you’re a believer or not we don’t just have eachother to lean on but we have our Angels, the Universe, Father God, Mother God, Gaia, The Galactic Federation and so many more who are here to assist so we succeed. Eventually enough people will awaken from the amnesia we were all born with and its happening more and more on a daily. I’ve been saying for a minute that it will get better and I believe that whole heartedly. Now its just a matter of timing, God’s Divine timing.

There’s always the alternative. It may be happening  but it’s not too late…

Well it was a Russell Brand video talking about Amazon’s hand scan. Not sure why I can’t post it but whatevs.  Like I mentioned it’s Russell Brand on YouTube, if you don’t subscribe to him already you should.

Love and Light




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