5G & Radiation

Great so we basically don’t have enough information about 5G either, except that people have been protesting against it for at least a year (you don’t see that in the news) and yet everybody feels like they have to have it. I’ve been saying it’s bad news for over a year and certainly don’t want any part of it.

I have a cell phone these days because I have to for work but that doesn’t necessarily mean I need a fancy one. Both my phone and my tablet operate on 4G. I have a burner phone that costs $35/mo. Granted it doesn’t have a fancy camera but that’s okay cause I don’t really care what the Jones’ are doing.

I’ve got my opinions on 5G and what it’s purpose is but I’m sure I’ve already expressed that at some point in my blog so I’ll keep my conspiracy theory aka spoiler alert to myself this time but I can tell you that this guy literally went up overday in my neighborhood.

There’s a cell phone tower, that received a major upgrade like six months ago, across the street. Things that make me go hmmm, and shake my head.

I’m not trying to scare anybody, my job here is to inform as much as possible and unfortunately that’s not always rainbows and butterflies but it is necessary. We need as many people awake as possible to make this New Earth possible. And even more unfortunate is the rude awakening many will get whether they want it or not because we don’t seem to pay attention unless circumstances either directly affect us or are under dire circumstances.

Sometimes bad things have to happen in order for people to pay attention, my awakening and the loss of my mother is case in point. But with pain and suffering also comes growth and evolution so its imperative to always try and find a positive in every negative situation and believe me I know its easier said than done but it is possible and again my life is case in point.

On a lighter note, cause laughter is the best medicine and I effing LOVE this chick…