9/11 Spoiler Alert

It’s only a matter of time before the truth comes out in every situation where lies are concerned. Some lies may take days, others months and in this case decades, but eventually the truth will prevail. It always does.

I’ve known for quite some time they weren’t being completely truthful about 9/11. Call me conspiracy theorist if you like but really all I care about are truths. And when it comes to 9/11 you have to be very careful what you say and who you’re saying it to because so many people are sensitive to 9/11 and understandably as a lot of innocent lives were lost. It was heart wrenching and devastating to say the least.

From what I understand 9/11 was all about a major cover up in regards to money, and to the tune of a trillion dollars. I also understand that it was necessary in order to put particular laws into effect, I want to say one of ’em has to do with martial law but I don’t remember because I learned this information a while back.

It’s so disheartening to come to the realization that what we call our reality has all basically been a facade. Our government is corrupt and has been for quite some time, they’ve been lying to us for so many reasons that I won’t go into right this second but this video came across my path for one reason. To share with you. It’s not my job to give you all the details, if this strikes a big enough nerve then I would hope you would do your own research, my job is to simply share it.