9 Signs You’re More Awake Than You Think

1. You desire to be your authentic self…a natural result of a spiritual awakening is that you will become more transparent, honest and direct with yourself and others. Unfortunately though when you’re living a spiritual lifestyle in today’s superficial world being more authentic and honest with people is likely to land you in some kind of trouble (I can relate to that all too well). The spiritual awakening journey also comes with an amplified desire to serve your community and the people around you

2. You experience a oneness with all life…when going through a spiritual awakening most people state they feel one with nature and all creation because the experience helps you heal into wholeness, this revelation opens your eyes to the sacredness and blessings of all life

3. You stop labeling things…you have strange experiences and synchronicities seem to follow you everywhere. You don’t feel the need to determine what it all means, it just is and you love it. All this duality is a lot of hard work and even if you wanted to describe everything that’s going on in your mind it would be like trying to explain the color purple to a blind person, mission impossible. You learn to have no expectations, no judgments, and no attachments.

4. You notice everything and all the time…your new state of consciousness means that no detail escapes you; the mood of people, their motivations, changes in the air, nothing escapes your deep vision of details. If someone’s got hidden motives you know it, if someone lies to you you know it, but you also know that most people insult on behalf of the ego. (And if you’re me and walking you notice a snail next to fruit on a cobblestone in someone’s yard lol)

5. You don’t belong to a particular group…going to a normal 9 to 5 office job is heartbreaking for you cause you’re not like everyone else. You have trouble with unnecessary chatter and  you prefer to be at home reading a good book. You’re not on the same page as most people anymore

6. You prefer to spend your time in nature…you’d rather be outdoors in the company of trees than spending the day shopping. You need something deeper than shopping and gossip. Spending time alone suits you just fine and is necessary to rejuvenate yourself. Nature cheers you up more than people (I was never a big shopper anyway so I would say bars just don’t interest me anymore)

This tree was beautiful on one of my walks. Did I hug it? You betcha.

7. You lose friends (and family)…let’s be real, you’ve changed. Now you know who you are and it’s a different person than who you were. You’ve become a better version of yourself and are looking for new friends or none at all. (Not all your friends and family, but a lot of ’em. This has to be one of the hardest realities for me because it’s so true and simply sucks. The plandemic didn’t help either but that’s exactly what it was supposed to do)

8. You’re confused…(lol not all the time but most definitely some of the time) all this internal change makes you sometimes feel stuck. It’s as if you’ve evolved mentally but your physical life stays the same filled with endless struggles, troubles and frustrations. It’s actually great news and know it will get better, but the dark night of the soul is a term used to describe the feeling of drowning many people have after experiencing spiritual work and growth. While unpleasant it’s most certainly an evolution as you’ve painfully marched past and paid for old wounds becoming more and more free all while your ego’s not thrilled and will often times self-sabotage (its exhausting really but well worth it)

9. You experience shifts in your relationships...(again, not all but most) you’re no longer close to people you used to talk to all the time. You’ve outgrown friends and family because you’re now vibrating on different levels and your lives no longer resonate. Different paths, different directions and on top of that you lose people because you’re leaving behind your old interests and a mindset that once connected your lives. You will no longer be fake nice and you’re now more protective of your energy and time and treat your inner self with more care and compassion. You may also notice your voicing healthy boundaries fearlessly which will shake up relationships and you’ll find yourself losing people. Nobody can bring you down now though as you’re an internal being with endless glory and you know it, it’s essential to being true to yourself

Love and Light