Getting Healthy(er)

I was greeted by the moon on my morning skate today. What a beautiful harvest supermoon in Pisces it was, not to mention partial lunar eclipse, thank you. Spirit’s so funny, while I’ve been hittin’ it hard when it comes to my skating they also made it a point to remind me that balance is key. For almost two weeks, coincidentally right about the same time I started skating every morning there was a truck (I’ve never seen before) parked on my street with a 666 in the license plate number. I shouldn’t have to reiterate this but I will anyway. 666 is not what we’ve been taught in the Bible, not for me anyway. The angel (or pay attention) number 666 actually speaks of balance and harmony so every time I passed that truck, which was everyday and sometimes two or three times, the thought that went through my head was that I need to remember to balance my exercise regime.

I knew exactly what they were saying, they were lovingly telling me that while I was doing an awesome job with my skating it’s equally important to work on my upper body as well, and don’t forget your sit- ups either. I don’t want to say my arms are wimpy because that’s not very nice but I baby them because they’re not as strong as they could be, better yet, they’re not as strong as they will be. In all fairness I have broken my left elbow, do have a plate in my right wrist and played tackle with a suburban with my right shoulder taking the brunt of it so why wouldn’t I. I’m well aware I need to work on my upper body strength and that license plate was telling me exactly that. Did I mention it didn’t move for the entirety of its stay. I remember chuckling about halfway through thinking to myself it’s probably there specifically for me.

My team is also aware I’m not a fan of lifting weights at the gym so they brought body pump to my attention again. I knew about this class and have actually done it once maybe a year ago. My yoga instructor teaches it and I honestly forgot all about it. By a chain of intended events and conversations I went to that class last night and not only did I love it because it’s exactly what I need but it totally kicked my ass lol. And wouldn’t you know it, that truck is now gone. I love how Spirit communicates, it only took me like ten days to heed the message but it’s whatever because I’m heeding it now.

It feels pretty amazing when you can recognize the signs and synchronicities, it’s then that you are able to truly feel like you understand the unspoken language of the unseen realm. Not everything is a sign of course and it takes a minute to fully understand that, you also learn to rely heavily on intuition. It’s also trial and error with some ‘oh I guess that wasn’t a sign’ right along with figuring things out and saying ‘I guess that was a sign’. Like everything else it takes time and practice. Here’s another example, as I’m sitting here typing on my laptop, I’m actually proofreading at this point, my tablet is set up not far away when I see out of the corner of my eye something popped up on the screen. Usually when you get a notification for something is goes away a few seconds later. Well I couldn’t help but notice this one was lingering. I’ll be checking it out as soon as I publish this article.

It’s not always easy either, in fact it’s far from easy and I’ll even admit I still have melt downs every now and again. I have to constantly remind myself I’m in training to be a leader for the New Earth and everything I’m going through is for purpose and without sounding too dramatic there are millions of lives at stake so I have to keep going. Light will prevail but it’s a tough road to get there. While the hardest part for me is over and words can’t express how grateful I am for that, it’s still hard every now and again. For a long time though it seemed like every time I came down from a mountain I had to climb, there was another one waiting for me. I understand now the purpose behind them all but phew there were days I didn’t know if I was gonna make it. My mountains aren’t so big now but they’re still there.

With the whole getting healthier phase I’m currently in there’s still obstacles to overcome and mind sets to change and fine tune. For example a video crossed my path not too long ago of an Australian health coach, that’s what I’m gonna call her. Her videos were intentionally brought to my attention by my team of invisibles which is just another way I knew it was time to get healthy(er). One in particular that I’m going to share was about psoriasis and the diet you shouldn’t be on if you’re trying to get rid of it. I’ll be honest, it really upset me. I cried and I do believe the sentence that came out of my mouth as I was wiping my tears was something along the lines of how much do I have to give up before I start reaping the rewards. Of course my journey isn’t about my rewards but I’ve given up just about everything and when the list of foods that aren’t allowed just happen to be everything on my current menu, I lost it. Not just fruit, but bananas and peanut butter, and cottage cheese which were staples for me. In fact, no dairy at all. Or carbs.

My next reaction was you know what, my psoriasis doesn’t bother me that much. Wrong attitude of course and that’s why it’s important to respond instead of react but with responding you also need a little time to digest and process everything. I’m much better now and in turn have cut out all fruit but watermelon. I’m a wee bit addicted to watermelon right this second which is probably part of the problem. I shouldn’t be ‘addicted’ to anything but right now I’m starting to feel the walls closing in on me and when I’ve managed to eliminate all the real addiction’s I find watermelon to be somewhat harmless. It’s just another frame of mind I need to tackle, another little mountain I need to climb. The whole fruit thing isn’t forever, it’s just until ones psoriasis is under control. My psoriasis isn’t out of control, it’s only on my belbows as I like to call them but I have noticed a slight increase since the beginning of summer and when I think about all the fruit I consumed over the course of the season, it just makes sense. My watermelon romance for the record will end when I board that plane to New York.

From what I understand and learned in the very beginning of my journey psoriasis is also associated with shame and my lifetime has definitely been filled with a number of scenarios that have rendered me to feel shameful. Shame is probably the number one soul sucker of emotions, it’s not your friend on any level and it is easy to acquire. My molestation was the first culprit and I’ve certainly done other things I’m not proud of as well. I have since overcome all of them which is why I asked my guides however long ago why my psoriasis wasn’t going away. I may not have liked the answer which boils down to diet but I definitely got it. How did I overcome my shame in case you may be wondering? The easiest answer in the simplest of terms is forgiveness. There is still a conversation or two that need to take place in order for me to feel fully healed from the others situations but that will come with divine timing so until then I will do whatever else I can to eradicate as much as I can.

Thanks to the Australian health lady, Barbara O’Neill, with her Eternal Health YouTube channel which I’ll link at the end, I also start my mornings with a cup of cayenne/lemon water. I also stopped dying my hair and now use henna because the chemicals were killing my pores slowly but surely. I started noticing thinning in the front and sure as shit, she had the answer, and not just the answer but the natural remedy which I’m all about. I also purchased Castrol Oil which has what seems like 101 uses for this that and the other. She’s amazing and everybody can and should benefit from the information she’s sharing. She has helped me tremendously and like I’ve said before I’m barely getting started with my healthier lifestyle.

It’s funny how I start by thinking I’m going to write about one thing and before you know it my focus has completely changed, Spirit be like…nope, we’re gonna talk about this today. I was trying to talk about getting healthier and skating every morning was one of my first steps. Music is really important too which is why I like to meditate to it, and walk to it, and skate to it. You know why? Because God is music and that’s exactly why it’s also so healing. I like to start my mornings with my current favorite line up which is the following…

I snuck a gospel song in there too. I couldn’t pass up the next performance for Voices of Hope. There is something about the sound of a choir that really does it for me. It’s not quite the same but very similar to the sound of monks chanting. I’ve always been involved in choir and my team only knows at this point why that is, I must’ve been in many throughout my lifetimes, probably spent many a times listening to the angels sing too. It’s definitely a form of therapy for me which is why I partake. My choir leader didn’t have to tell me twice to memorize this song, it’s speaking my language.

I got an old church choir singing in my soul

I’ve got a sweet salvation and it’s beautiful

I’ve got a heart overflowing cause it’s been restored

There ain’t nothing gonna steal my joy

I can’t help but notice I’ve outgrown just about everything and feel like the walls are starting to close in on me. I’m restless more than ever and just ready for a new scene. I need a break from Huntington Beach. My road trip can’t come quick enough and thank goodness it’s only a few weeks away, something’s telling me it’s gonna be pretty epic. In the meantime tomorrow I’m tackling the ocean swim and I don’t even know how to mentally prepare for that. Here’s some more pics of the moon this morning, and the sunshine rising yesterday.

Eternal Health Barbara O’Neill

hey look, there’s a heart in my exercise shorts that are laying on the floor where they don’t belong yay

It’s 2:22

Love and Light