Hard Work Pays Off

Received the best compliment I could ever ask for and that’s that I looked healthy. I watched the babies at church yesterday and one of the ladies looked at me with almost amazement and told me I looked so healthy. I cut five inches off my hair so even my hair is healthy. It felt phenomenal because that’s exactly what I’ve been striving for, hard work pays off. It’s 11:11am. My transformation from the caterpillar to the butterfly is slowly making itself known and no one has seen it more than people at church. I’ll never forget my first morning service sitting on the wall and officially hearing from Spirit for the first time and that’s that there was a message for me inside. I had only been in my car for a couple weeks not having a clue where I was headed or how I was gonna get there. And look at me now.

Got my parking lot(s) back, I start every morning by getting my roll on and I’m loving every second of it. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself on my road trip cause I’m not taking my skates, yoga and walks will have to do. Thank goodness I’ll at least have a handful of yoga sessions on my phone, that’s all I’ll need. I did have to get a new phone not too long ago, my other one was only maybe six months old but it started acting all funny like it was hacked. Who knows, who cares, I got a new one because I could and hey my new one has a better camera, so yay there’s that. In getting that new phone all my previous yoga sessions had been erased and that’s okay because I knew it was just another test to see how I’d react, and I passed.

I was reflecting on everything that’s transpired over the course of the past few months and all the incognito tests I was taking. It’s only now that I see clearly what it was all about. My computer was another big one that lasted about oh I don’t know maybe three months. I had to go back at least six or seven times because my Wi-Fi kept disconnecting itself. At one point they were baffled (and annoyed, we were all annoyed) and he said to me he didn’t understand how it could be happening. Little did we all know it was Spirit ‘at play’ as I call it and every single interaction and action I took were all set in place to teach me things like patience, reactions and loving kindness to name a few.

The dentist was another playground of interactions and schoolings that also just happen to bestow one of the greatest gifts I could ever ask for and that’s a complete makeover on my already beautiful smile. Over the course of almost two years I was numbed and humbled time and time again and taught once again patience and understanding and now that I think about it all has taught me so much more. All of these teachings ultimately taught me to have faith that all would work out. They see me, they hear me, they love me, and most importantly…they’ve got me. They were showing me that with patience and time everything would work itself out. And everything did. Which is also why I can now put in my two weeks and then board a plane with not a single worry. That is almost indescribable. It’s miraculous and it’s wonderful, what a fantastic feeling of security. And the best part is it’s available to everyone.

Last night I was putzing on my phone waiting for time to go by so I could close up shop when a notification popped up and all I needed to see was 2222 for me to click on it instantaneously. It was a message from Archangel Uriel.

Dear one, I am Uriel the archangel of wisdom and clarity and I’ve sent you the number 2222 today. This number is a powerful sign you’re on the verge of something significant. 2222 is my message to trust in the process, even when things seem uncertain. Know that balance and harmony are being restored. You are exactly where you need to be. Keep the faith in the steps you’re taking as they’re leading you to the breakthroughs you’ve been seeking.

Dear one, let go of any doubts, trust your intuition and wisdom within you. Everything is coming together perfectly, even if you can’t see it just yet. I am here to guide you toward the clarity you need to see this truth. 2222 is your confirmation. Stay patient. Stay open and trust that your path is divinely guided. I am always by your side. Angel messages are all around you.

this was yesterday but thanks for my confirmation, always a step ahead

Angel messages are all around is another understatement of the year, I’m like a walking angel message for everybody. Speaking of messages, I wanted to share in detail one of the oracle cards I pulled from Sunday night. They all spoke volumes of course but this one really stuck out for me and why I wanted to share. It’s the Magic card from my Time Travelers deck by Denise Linn


There is magic in the universe. The key is trusting in something you can’t see or hear. Of course you may have doubts, we all do. But magic happens when you can acknowledge your mistrust and at the same time…believe. Even if your faith is the size of a mustard seed, you can still spur on amazing things in your life. Faith is the foundation of the ability to manifest. Everything that was created began because someone believed it was conceivable. Even if it doesn’t seem possible, trust that magic can unfold in your life.

If there’s anything I believe in, it’s magic. Haha along with everything else most find too illogical to be logical. I also believe in UFO’s, UAP’s, extraterrestrials, paleo contact, love at first sight, the afterlife, ghosts, fairies, dragons, angels, divine counterparts, twin flames, soulmates and the list goes on. Speaking of soulmates I had lunch with my other brother Jun in honor of my passed on brother John Henry. We celebrated his birthday. There’s no doubt in my mind we had a soul contract before arriving as he has played a big role in the success of my journey here in Huntington Beach. Although I’m sure I could’ve handled it without him, he sure made it easier. There was nothing easy about the first year in HB but he definitely helped me in more ways than one. He is a brother for life.

I even got angel numbers in my parking lot. If there’s one thing you could associate with me it’s angel numbers, they have become such a big part of my life and I can’t see living my life without ’em. They pick me up when I’m down, guide me when I’m unsure, put joy in my heart and always a smile on my face.

on my way out the door this morning

Thank you for everything.

Love and Light

Sooooo after publishing this I went to my farmers market for eggs and couldn’t stop smiling and laughing at all the angel numbers I had in the short amount of time I was on Gothard Steet going to and fro. Allow me to share in the order they were received…

didn’t want to post the whole thing but had to. It’s a steady 9 meaning it’s a steady, slowly but surely, ending to this chapter

I LOVE IT, keep ’em coming cause it’s what keeps me going.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!