Moving Forward In Faith

I pulled some cards when I got home from my final shift today. I don’t think it’s really sunk in yet that I don’t have to return. I did however let out a screech of excitement sitting waiting for a light to turn green this afternoon when I really realized I have my weekends back. I sacrificed those for a year and a half. It was an honor and privilege, truly, to be a Huntington Beach ambassador and it actually made me teary-eyed thinking about it. I will miss a lot of aspects of my job on the pier, and of course the people. I pulled some cards from my new deck Astrol-OG: The Deck. I bought it a few weeks ago because I love all things astrology. I can’t make this stuff up.

CHIRON: The wounded healer, healing others

1ST HOUSE: House of self, temperament, personality, identity

MARS: Aries/Scorpio, confidence, strength, passion, determination

JUPITER: Sagittarius/Pisces, philosophy, optimism, faith

I have not a clue what lies ahead for me, I have my ideas but I’m going where my intuition and team are leading me. All I know is I’m ready. I’m coming back to Huntington Beach but in a way it feels as though I’m not. I’m guessing and hoping and banking on the fact that I will return different but the same. I’m looking forward to meeting new people, sprinkling joy along the way and can’t wait to see what synchronistic miracles Spirit has planned for me. And for my bestie Amber, I’m hoping we both get to experience awakenings.

My team didn’t hesitate to let me know it’s due time for another awakening when I closed my drawer for the last time. Again, I can’t make this stuff up. It’s magical. Although I’m pretty sure my exact words as I was laughing in amazement when I finished the calculation was, “how do you do it? It’s fucking magic!”

It gets better. The main library in Huntington Beach has a pass for the state parks available for checkout that gets you in to all the state parks for free. I put a hold on it in the beginning of summer with roughly 500 people ahead of me. I received a notice it was now available and I checked that pass out a few days ago. That’s either the best luck in the world or something sure has my back. I’ll take either but I’m gonna go with the latter. I received a message for ‘our lovely Aries’ from Truth Well Told Tarot the other day and this is what Spirit had to say…


Mountain thunder. Awakening. This is your time, time to claim your power and step into your potential. You might feel uncertain but do it anyway. Be courageous. Let the world hear your voice. Take a stand. Stand up for yourself and others. Share your passion. Teach from the heart. Write and your words will have great meaning. Hold your body as if you’re incredibly valiant, noble and brave because after all…you are.

There’s so many things I no longer take for granted and even more I truly appreciate. What a blessing this phase has been, what a gift to have spent so much time learning how to be a better me. If you would’ve told me I was about to embark on a journey of not just self-discovery but of truth seeking where I would learn the keys to the universe while spending a year living in my car I would’ve told you you were crazy. Now I wouldn’t trade it for the world, what a ride. My magical carpet ride in disguise. Only now that I’m through it and look back on it can I recognize all the beauty of it.

Moving forward in faith because the best is yet to come.

Love and Light