“February 2022 represents a quantum leap out of the old spiritual paradigm and into the beginning phases of the new spiritual paradigm in the 5th dimensions of unity consciousness when we experience greater confidence, empowerment and worthiness and all the gifts and benefits of what we know as abundance, opportunity, inspiration and flow tend to come to us miraculously.” Matt Kahn.
This is the month we begin to experience the shift that has absolutely nothing to do with the shapes and forms of societal norms, has nothing to do with any political agenda and everything to do with the energy surging, growing and expanding in every human being whether they’re aware of the ascension or not.
I often gently remind myself I will always rise up from anything. I can always recreate myself. Nothing is permanent. I’m never stuck. I always have choices. I can always think new thoughts. I can always learn something new. I can always create new habits. All that matters is I keep deciding to continue moving forward no matter how hard it seems and never look back. Sometimes your life has to fall apart in order for it to come together.
The high vibration that is always naturally within me, always still and ever-present, is the very light I shine which manifests into form with every breath I breathe, it anchors my old soul and beacon of light to help guide those in need. The time has come when I truly start recognizing how my past struggles are now becoming my greatest strengths. And for that I say thank you.