Angel Messages & Making Room

Woke up to an owl hooting at 3:13 this morning which is pretty cool in and of itself. What’s even cooler is maybe ten minutes later my tablet chimed in and when I checked it there was an angel message with an angel number. I guess sleeping isn’t in my cards this morning because here I am now at 4:10, Spirit’s got me up writing which is what I like to do anyway, but they also woke me up to tell me I’m doing a great job, thanks team. A little angel message from Truth Well Told Tarot.


This is a message from your angels that you must see the true beauty in who you are. Recognize how much hard work and discipline you have put in and give yourself a big pat on the back that you so greatly deserve.

I saved the time stamp in the picture because I couldn’t help but notice it was 3:33 when I took the screenshot. Angel numbers and synchronicity, a day in my life lol. It’s funny because right before this message chimed in I was laying there dancing with my ego, clearly I’m still working on that death which isn’t the easiest thing to do. Actually it doesn’t even have to die, it just has to take a permanent back seat. I’m close.

When my ego’s at bay I won’t have these little doubts that like to creep in which is what this trust fall is all about, letting go of that stinkin’ ego that wants to protect me which I appreciate but I have all the protection I need from everything I can’t see. My logic is trying to tell me (along with people) that I need to be looking for that source of income right now. I haven’t wanted to tell people I quit my job for obvious reasons.

Nobody understands the true nature of my journey right this second so when someone asks me if I’m still doing the pier I have to tell the truth. What they don’t understand and what I still can’t fully explain is that I’m not here to work a ‘normal’ job. I still don’t even know exactly what I’m here to do other than shine my light. I have to trust in my invisibles knowing they’ve got my back and when the time is right everything will fall into place. I can see how that would be tough to comprehend and is also why my ego still wants to hang on.

I have come a long way and cleaning out my car the other day truly gave me the time and opportunity to fully recognize that. I still don’t know exactly what I’m doing with my Subbie but cleaning her out is proving to the universe I’m getting organized and when I clear out old energy I make room for the new.  Speaking of getting organized, I saw another ant yesterday taking my skates off on the boardwalk.

I know, the first thought that went through my mind when I laughed at it was I’m outside in it’s backyard so is that really a sign? I’m gonna vote yes because upon further inspection there was only one. I need to keep going, keep organizing, getting my ducks in a row because something is moving in the ethers and I have to be ready.

Here’s my angel message from two days ago…


Dare to be different. When you are criticized remember that you will never please everyone. Many brilliant and gifted individuals were not fully appreciated or understood in their own lifetime yet it is often they who have sown the seeds of change.

My angel message from yesterday…

#4 Be The Light For Others

You have a powerful message to share. Shine your light on the world so that others can learn from you.

On a fundamental level my life is an example for the world to see, to see how wonderful it can be when you make that connection to the divine. To have faith and trust that they’ve got me. I don’t know what’s next I just know I’ve worked hard to better myself, I have become that change I want to see. It’s been a lot of hard work, many challenges, disappointments and everything else but at the same time it’s been liberating and I’ve never felt better.

I looked up the spiritual meaning of an owl hooting at 3am and it has many interpretations of course but here’s the ones that made the most sense to me and where I’m at with my journey. We are in the beginning of Sagittarian season with a new moon on December 1st, I am a new moon baby so new moons can be powerful for me. Owls are also the spirit animal for Sagittarians in Native American culture. Aries are falcons. Owls are almost always associated with wisdom which is something you definitely gain through experience.

I am doing a lot of inner reflection these days as the hermit card has shown up twice over the past few weeks and I’ve literally taken that to a whole new level but that’s a post for another day. Here are the highlights from cleaning out my car the other day…

This picture made me laugh pretty hard, this was my first Christmas with the church three years ago. In fact I think I had been attending for maybe a week, I was happy to be there. Every single person took a picture and we nailed ’em to a big cross for Jesus’ crucifixion.

Haha I look like I’m straight out of a Madonna video but at least I’m having fun. I can only imagine what the pastors thought when they saw this but it doesn’t even matter because no matter what I’m jut being authentically me.

In all fairness I didn’t know we were nailing the pictures to the cross but whatever. I do remember someone telling me shortly thereafter that it was okay, it was just me showcasing my free-spiritedness and if there’s one thing that describes me it’s 100% that I am a free spirit, literally and figuratively. I’m also unapologetic about it.

Love and Light