Spirit’s so good to me, I feel as though they’re going out of their way to show me just how much I’m loved and taken care of these days. My messages have been flowing like no other whether it be my little angel messages or songs that I know were meant for my ears in those exact moments. They’re filling my head with optimism through the movies that show up and the confidence that seems to build over night.
So many messages about trust and fate and faith, the other day I had one that said your angels don’t worry about you so why then would you worry about them and the plans they have for you? I had another one that said it’s almost over. I know it’s about to be my turn because everything I’ve worked so hard for is about to pay off, the pendulum is about to swing in the most favorable way for me and I couldn’t be more excited.
You are looking at a situation from a purely physical perspective and therefore you cannot see the bigger picture and the blessings interwoven within. We your angels urge you to trust for all will work out in the best way possible. Let go of your fear and apprehension and follow God’s healing energy flow to you. Trust for all will heal in ways you never thought possible.
If there’s anybody who understands having one foot in the physical and one foot in the spiritual it’s me but something tells me over the course of however long I’m about to take that to a whole new level. These past four years have been all about my transformation of who I used to be and stepping into the person I was sent here to be, this magnetic beacon of light who shines bright like a diamond. A bringer of higher truth.
It’s been about discovering who I really am, finding my confidence again after being knocked down countless times. It’s been about building that confidence and realizing my self-worth. It’s about trusting in everything I cannot see and opening that door to the spirit realm that makes my life a message to the world. A message of encouragement and discovery, bouncing back when it sometimes didn’t feel possible. Finding faith in the benevolent assistance and forces we have that extend far beyond our physical reality.
It’s been about overcoming obstacles, climbing mountain after mountain to build that strength and wisdom that can only be gained through experience. It’s been about hardships, learning to forgive and finding compassion when at first glance that too seemed impossible. About understanding we all make mistakes, we’re all here having a human experience. We are all spiritual beings temporarily here on planet Earth in our corporeal bodies. We are all equal with a birthright to be free and with an innate desire to love and be loved.
It’s been about discovering the true meaning of unconditional love which is love with no conditions. Learning how to love myself unconditionally. Learning what it means to be interconnected on a galactic level, feeling that oneness I can’t help but see when I watch birds fly flawlessly in synchronized movements. It’s been about knowing I have an invisible entourage of helpers that are watching my every move helping me every step of the way and allow me to share an example.
They knew I would need some extra help this month and two days ago they showed me they’ve got my back. I’ve been waiting six months for a refund from my storage unit people. I went to pay my bill Tuesday and the property manager just so happened to be there that day, mind you I’ve never seen or heard of this guy in the years I’ve been with this company. Call it luck, call it synchronistic, call it what you will. I call it a Christmas miracle because after asking for this refund several times over the course of six months, I finally received it. And isn’t it ironic that it’s when I needed it the most?
This is an example of how you don’t look at situations with a physical perspective. Sure the guy was there physically but there’s no doubt in my mind I didn’t receive that refund for six months because they all knew (my Higher Self, my angels, my guides, my galactic family, God, all of ’em), they all knew I would need it in December. It literally hung out in the ether until the timing was right.
This transformation has been all about learning to truly love myself and more importantly…to believe in myself. It’s been about feeling the love and support from a mother and a brother who’ve already transitioned back to where our real home is. It’s been about becoming the change I know is possible for this beautiful planet we call ours. It’s been about waking up to the awareness of the new energy for the greater good of humanity. It’s been about becoming who I truly am on a soul level.
I pulled two cards from my sign language flashcard box when I was in my storage unit on Tuesday. The box crossed my path after walking my happy ass up there to get my winter coat. I can only imagine what I will become next considering I just spent the last four years becoming the best version of me possible, and I’m not even done yet.
Staying active is part of being healthy and I had such a good skate session this morning, it was as if I had more energy than usual. It could have something to do with the 12/12 portal of energy that’s happening behind the scenes, although it could also have something to do with the five cookies I had last night on the boat cruise. These weren’t small cookies either lol. I’ve also learned that it’s okay to be perfectly imperfect so I do my best to not be hard on myself.
What an awesome start to my day though and this song was one of the highlights. Such a beautiful song….thank you. It only got better as I went about my morning with all my angel numbers.
I finished skating around 8am and was greeted with the 144 while taking off my skates reminding me that I am here with purpose. I was behind the 666 on my way to yoga, a reminder that balance, peace and harmony are in the process of being restored in my life so be patient. 888 at the light heading to the Planet Fitness to take in some red light therapy.
It was 11:17 when I logged in and I couldn’t help but notice the 10:27 before me reminding me that all things are possible with God and all things are possible with Love. I just happened to glance at the timer on the massage chair with 1:11 remaining and I saw another 888 and 333 on my way home.
The boat show last night in Newport Beach was magical and a first for me. Always a good time with my sister friend Stacy. I’m grateful my heart’s had the chance to heal from the loss of my mother, I am whole heartedly able to enjoy the holidays with not a single tear. There was so much love and laughter last night and that’s because Christmas is and was such a special time for her. My mother could light up every room just like a Christmas tree, her energy was felt in every fiber of my being.
Everything’s gonna be okay.
Love and Light