Master In Training

Once upon a time I felt like Spirit had me studying human behavior, I even wrote about it. Little did I know that that’s because I came here to help change it. There’s a new system afoot where mastery is destined to arrive for humanity. A new system no longer driven by the past but rather something internal. According to Kryon there’s a piece of the 24th chromosome that’s awakening in our DNA, a piece of the soul that’s destined to wake up.

We are currently in the infancy stages of a major mile marker for humanity and that mile marker is mastery. The beginning of the mastery will happen in this lifetime and it has now become crystal clear exactly why I’m here and why I created this blog, to record the evolution of my mastery. I am a master in training.

We’re all familiar with the famous ascended masters like Jesus and Buddha along with Yogananda, St. Germain and Mother Mary. There are countless ascended masters. At grass roots all masters have the elements above any other when it comes to patience, compassion, kindness and love. Compassion is key for our survival, along with understanding and acceptance.

We all have potential to be ascended masters which basically when you take the title (and the masters) off the pedestal they are those who have achieved mastery then ascended back to Source with a full report. The ones we’re familiar with just so happened to come into their lifetime already master status where we on the other hand and from what I understand will wake up individually and at different times as we are all on different levels.

I for one will awaken in my next incarnation with the seeds of mastery already planted, I am currently on the ascension path and am well on my way to mastery. It’s funny because I’ve been saying things like I’m learning how to master my emotions and that was before I put the puzzle pieces together.

Now just about everything I’ve experienced or job I’ve had in the past five years is completely making sense. I’ve also said that I feel like I’m in graduate status not even knowing exactly what that meant. The handful of us who are here to pave the way are now graduating to the school of mastery.

The battle is over human consciousness and what most people don’t realize or even understand is that humanity is already destined to receive mastery, just like Pleiades who I do believe were last to go through this evolution process. I also believe it’s where I have spent many lifetimes myself, if not my last and is why I’m here, I’ve already been through it.

With the winds of change it’s no longer about knowledge or wisdom, now it’s more about essence. The essence of mastery is something that imbues itself into the human being and the teachings of how it will be accomplished are changing. It will now come from our DNA. The 24th pair of chromosomes, the multidimensional aspects of the human being which have since laid dormant will start to be activated. Activating the template.

What this means is that we will start getting information directly from our souls, that with which we were born with. The essences of the angels, the essence of love. When I heard this I was like wow now that makes sense as to why when I asked what am I the next thing I knew I started to see ‘angels’ everywhere, whether by symbolism or verbiage.

These God-given essences will start to be imbued in everyone and it will start to change everything, it’s the destiny of mastery. It’s humanity’s destiny and it will come about slowly, it too is generation driven. But generation after generation, family after family, we will start to see the evolvement of consciousness. That speaks so much radness and on so many levels.

It’s difficult to see right this second because of all the chaos in the world but that’s just like a big tower moment for society, things have to crumble in order to make room for the new. We will eventually change human nature through mastery. Solutions for issues and problems based on human behavior that have been developed by psychologists will start to shift along with everything else, there’s so much change afoot. It’s all a part of the shift, you just have to look at the bigger picture.

The destiny of mastery is no longer secluded to the masters we know and love. It is now being placed on humanity and I don’t know about you but that’s some exciting not to mention amazing information. We will see more and more of it with every next generation but it’s like something else I’ve been saying all along and that’s that it starts with us. How miraculous we truly are going be the change we want to see and with time human nature will shift for the better.

The prophecy of the 24th pair of chromosomes is starting to release the mastery, the elements of mastery to personalities. I don’t know how it works or how much has already been released but I can say with confidence I’m well on my way. I’ve heard it explained too that my DNA is rewriting who I knew myself to be and putting me on the path of awareness. And for that I say thank you.

I got up to use the ladies room and look what time it was. It’s my magic number. Mark 10:27…all things are possible with God. The four attributes of mastery…



Endless Light


Get excited people.

Love and Light