It’s the untold story of communities starting in southern France trying to live peacefully before they were wiped off the map. They were a non-Catholic alternative to the Roman Catholic mainstream and said to be the first recorded yet covered up genocide in the world as we know it. More than a million people, men women and children were wiped off the face of the Earth.
The massacres took place in the 1200’s under Roman Catholic leadership when it launched a military campaign that lasted over a hundred years. A campaign persecuted by 19 successive popes meaning one after another as they were determined to assassinate every single Cathar in Europe.
Why? Because they were seen as a threat for what they believed and how they lived which was humble and happy and healthy. While some of their thoughts may seem obvious to some, such as myself, they were seen as a threat, an assault even, to others in the Orthodox religious belief system.
Their school of thought asked questions like do you believe in an invisible team of helpers who’s job is help guide you through life, who occasionally inspire through whispers with ideas to help support you on your journey? Do you wonder if these ideas could be coming from a higher version of yourself?
Do you ever question why you don’t feel like you belong here, like home may be hidden in the stars, where gender doesn’t matter because everybody is equal? Cathars believed that animals too have souls which is why they chose not to consume them. They also felt as if they could think more clearly and felt more alert when fasting. That would explain why I create so effortlessly and prefer to write in the mornings.
On a more theological note they believed the god figure in the Old Testament to be a very dark, violent, anti-human presence in the biblical story. They also believed that a life of spirituality, or life of prayer, can be expressed without the need to be seen as ‘religious’. All of these statements represent the flow of Cathar thought. Much of their teachings actually derived from Plato and Gnosticism.
The Cathars represented a peaceful community who had an egalitarian system, a society where everybody is equal. They were so functionally healthy they were referred to as the pure ones, or the good people. I find it to be quite sad that their demise was because they were so happy and healthy.
It’s no wonder this hits home for me as this all represents much of my personal truths, I wouldn’t be surprised if I walked with the Cathars and then fell with ’em too in these tragic stories nightmares are made of. These people who had values that we need to re-establish and start living by again and with time it’s totally achievable.
I feel this is important information because it just shows how far back it all goes and why things are the way they are to this day. All the lies, power, control and greed goes back further than you can fathom and it also goes to show where the fear actually begins and then just trickles down. So much hasn’t changed, it’s just as corrupt but in different ways, but at least we’re in the beginning stages of change.
If you want the whole Cathar story, here it is…
I think the most important part of change is being open to it with an open mind. I’ve heard more than once that it’s not our grandparents world anymore and I feel as though that speaks so much truth. Without sounding somewhat callous this world won’t really start to change until the last generation (of our grandparents) finally transitions.
It’s already happening you just have to be able to pick up on the subtle energies. Like I’ve said before, this change, this shift, the great awakening or remembrance is generation driven so with time everything will evolve. I can’t help but also feel like the Cathars are a great example of how to live peacefully and how to love one another. I believe there’s much to be learned.
When the universe delivers things to your awareness that challenge your belief systems, do your best not to get caught up in the struggles of trying to make it fit or going against it. Instead, have the courage to be open to new possibilities. Be open to the new possibilities of the deep truth of our existence.
Live simply, love loudly and shine that light, it’s what I do.