Validation & Light

I had an epiphany while curling my hair, they come at the funniest moments sometimes. A big part of why I’m here is to make people feel better, whether that’s in a situation-ship, friendship or relationship. However it may manifest itself, one reason I’m here is to help others feel better about themselves. I heal people with my presence alone.

I felt compelled to be the bigger person yesterday when we did the changing of the guards by telling my coworker thank you. It wasn’t that big of a deal and he wasn’t wrong in the situation however he also didn’t know the whole story.

But instead of feeling the need for validation I thanked him for being a teacher and allowing me to see the other side of the coin. I was sincere when I told him I was sorry he felt a certain way. It’s important that I have respect for people’s feelings, I take feelings seriously.

I could’ve told him the whole story but it wasn’t even necessary because I’m helping myself understand that I don’t need that validation, from him or anybody else. I do find it humorous that I share my almost everything with the entire world by publishing my thoughts and feelings however nobody in my circles know anything about me really.

Nobody knows the kind of journey I’m on, the specifics anyway. My coworker doesn’t know that I’m on a path of ascension to be the best version of me possible with mastery as the prize. My churchies have no idea I believe in reincarnation, paleocontact and feel the Bible needs to be translated better. Our entire history needs to be shared correctly for that matter.

I have to be very careful with everything I say sometimes and I have to be okay with all of this. I have to be okay with people not knowing right now what I’m really all about which is where my need for validation comes in, or how I’m training myself not to need that validation.

I can only imagine how it might all go down when the truth finally does come out but I think that’s enough to keep me humble and quiet. Which is something else I’m actively working on and that’s that less is more. If I had a dollar for every time I hear my higher self say in my head, “say nothing Melissa” haha I’d be independently wealthy already.

At the same time another reason I’m here is to bring the healing power of light wherever I go. One of my besties from church just lost her son at the young age of 28, very tragic. It didn’t dawn on me until after the fact that the reason I spent the entire weekend just sitting on her couch when it all went down was because I brought the light that needed shining on a silent level.

I didn’t see how powerful it was until Spirit brought it to my attention about a week later. It was also the last weekend I had completely free before going back to work again, coincidence? I don’t think so. Divine timing if you ask me.

Speaking of powerful, I was getting ready for whatever the other day and while I was looking in the mirror I said out loud “I am the light” and in that moment without missing a beat a car honked its horn outside. It was a pretty special moment and it put a huge smile on my face not to mention gooseys all over my body. I love those moments. I live for those moments.

I’ve also recently come to the realization that I will always have to be the bigger person, for the rest of this lifetime and however many may follow. If my soul is as old as I think it is then I shouldn’t have to be here much longer. I’m guessing one more lifetime (as a master) and then hopefully I’ll graduate even further to some kind of angel or guide.

Nobody knows the real answer to that, not here on the physical plane anyway which is also why I’ve released the need to know. I don’t have to know the details of everything anymore. All I need to know is that what I’m doing is helping humanity on so many different levels. I know I’m here to share my love, shed some light and sprinkle that joy. I am the essence of the angels after all, whatever that means to you.

To me it means I’m here to love others. I’m here to love you ’til you love yourself. If that means I have to be the bigger person, so be it. If that means I have to release the need to be right and feel validated, alrighty then. If that means I have to respect your feelings when they differ from mine, I can agree to disagree.

It’s all a part of spiritual maturity and loving unconditionally amd I’m on it. I will just continue doing what I’m doing knowing it’s all for the greater good because that’s exactly what I signed up for. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

There’s a lot of talk about free energy in my world these days. Just sayin’.

Love and Light