Master Numbers

We’re all familiar with master numbers 11, 22 and 33. For those who aren’t, these three numbers in particular hold significance when it comes to the world of spirituality and I’m here to share with you two new master numbers that aren’t even written in the books yet. It’s no coincidence that the last two angel messages I received were 44 and 55.

In numerology master numbers are those special numbers that don’t get reduced when reached. Most numbers in numerology get reduced down to single digits but not master numbers, they’re considered to hold powerful vibrations with unique meanings.

Master number 11 is probably the most recognized as it represents spiritual illumination, heightened intuition and is associated with creativity, leadership and the ability to inspire others. Many report seeing 11:11 on the clock making it the most popular of the master numbers which in my world stands for double illumination.

I’ve encouraged a couple of my friends who’ve mentioned seeing 1111 repeatedly. Whether on the clock or anywhere else for that matter, it’s the universes way of getting your attention. It’s Spirit saying hey, there’s more to this world than meets the eye and the fact that you’re seeing this number means you’re on the cusp of peaking that curiosity that’s needed to search for your own personal truths.

22 is the master builder number reminding us we’re cocreators with the universe. With community and cooperation we can turn our dreams into reality not to mention our world into a better place. Teamwork makes the dream work and this number is here to remind us of just that.

33 represents not just master teacher but also ascended masters which is basically the same thing. It’s about personal growth and helping uplift humanity. It’s no coincidence I’ve been seeing 133 all over the place. I had someone say once that putting a 1 in front or behind the number puts an emphasis on that particular number.

So for me, seeing 133 everywhere these days symbolizes an emphasis on master teacher which is what I’m striving for. A big reason I’m here is to help others expand by paving the way. I do that by sharing my experiences of illumination with the ultimate goal of reaching enlightenment. Spiritual growth, it’s why we’re here.

There’s two new master numbers that some day will be added to the list and those are 44 and 55. A little birdy told me that 44 is the new master number for healers while 55 is the new master human number. I feel pretty special being privy to this information and even better about being able to share it with all of you.

While my last two angel messages included these last two numbers, the videos held dual messages for me. On top of that 144 has even more meaning for me now and is probably one of the numbers I see most often. I see this number backwards, forwards and sideways.

Not only does it resonate as the 144,000 which for me stands for a special group of individuals here to help raise the vibration of humanity. But I’ve also recently learned that it represents the twelve tribes of Israel and the 12,000 souls from each of the signs of the zodiac which I thought was pretty cool.

You wanna know why astrology is considered a pseudoscience and gets little to no attention? Because it speaks a lot of truth that they don’t want us knowing about. They make fun of astrology so people won’t take it seriously when at the end of the day it’s a backbone of the universe.

55 is the new master human. It’s the epitome of what we look like in the 5D New Earth. It’s those individuals who’ve elevated their consciousness to a higher vibrational state. It represents love, unity and spiritual awakening. It involves shifting perceptions, awakening to a higher awareness and understanding emotional intelligence.

It’s why I’m here doing what I’m doing, I’m the wayshower plowing through it all first to help those who choose the path of ascension. I do this best by speaking my truth and being authentically me while also being unapologetic about it. I stand for unity consciousness because the only way out of this mess is through it and we do that best by helping one another.

If that means I have to be up in the wee hours of the morning to express all this then that’s what I do. It’s in these moments I find myself inspired most with the desire to help others live their best lives. Spirit’s the one to thank, it’s because of this invisible force my inspiration flows and for whatever reason it flows best right as the sun’s coming up.

Master Healer
Master Human

Love and Light