Whether we’re talking about the Anunnaki, Elohim (powerful ones), Enki and Enlil, or the sky people, they all come from antiquity and have been erased so to speak from our minds and memory. Extraterrestrials, alien races, light beings, astral legends, beings of pure consciousness, they should all be in our repertoire because they all exist on some level or in some dimension as we humans call them.
What we need to understand is that the human race is very young compared to everything else, we’re the new kids on the block. With this newness comes a primitive nature, naivety and ignorance because you don’t know what you don’t know. The human race also likes to think inside a box with lots of opinions and with that also comes reluctance to change.
I was having mixed feelings about church as of late, I actually tend to teeter but keep going because I thoroughly enjoy the babies and most of the people. Whoops, wrong attitude. I have to love everybody equally. See, I’m constantly catching myself in thought, you just happened to catch this one with me. Everybody is on their own individual journey with some not even waking up in this lifetime and I fully respect that.
I think this year is going to bring a lot of truth to the surface so I’m gonna keep going for the simple fact that I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds. It’s going to be very interesting to see which way my church goes. It’s not going to happen over night but I don’t think Christian theology is anywhere near ready for the concept of a populated cosmos. This new perspective will inevitably bring about a lot of fear and confusion.
I have a feeling pastors are going to be under a tremendous amount of pressure as a lot of belief systems will appear to be under attack when in reality we just need to open our minds to the possibility that we may have it all wrong. It’s not the pastors fault we’ve been taught things the same way for centuries.
What we’ll be dealing with is actually social dynamics. A lot of Christian institutes run their churches on the basis of how to sustain what they already have and not on how to pursue things like the truth. At the end of the day churches are businesses and communities of faith operating with social dynamics, which isn’t the best news for people like me waking up to it all.
People tend to push back with hysteria and panic when you question things such as theology, curiosity is certainly frowned upon because people don’t like questions they don’t have answers to. These types of reactions more often than not stem from fear, insecurity and lack of understanding.
I’ll admit I was a little insecure about this whole new belief system that found its way into my world and has now changed just about all my belief systems but with every passing day and the more I learn my confidence grows. We need to be ready to embrace a brother and sister alien race because not only are they here but have been all along.
I now recognize that my path is moving at the rate in which it is because there’s a lot to learn and even more so to allot me the time to truly comprehend. Knowledge comes easy to those who understand. I can’t help but now find myself wanting to dive more into the Bible. I’m interested in reading Ezekiel, Exodus and II Kings because I want to know more about the sky people and armies in the sky.
As much as I want to ask my pastor if he believes in aliens I don’t. I have randomly asked others and I’m gonna vote for the most part a majority do not believe in them which is crazy to me because if you think planet Earth is the only place in our entire universe to inhabit life, you’ve got a long way to go.
In all fairness though I wasn’t aware of the vastness of it either until I was more or less forced to see, then got curious and started researching it. I think for the most part people just aren’t interested. Haha they will be. I think this also has a lot to do with why I keep getting the message to stand my ground and speak my truth. It’s been coming in pretty loud and clear.
I feel like I already am with this blog even though it’s somewhat cloaked right now and that’s okay, it gives me time to build my strength. But like I’ve mentioned before, my circles and most who know me in general have no idea who I am and what I stand for. I’m not gonna lie, it makes me a little nervous now that I think about it. Perhaps painstakingly slow isn’t so bad after all.
To think the day keeps getting closer when there will have to be full disclosure, not just for our country and planet, but for me as well. It makes me a wee bit nervous yes it does. On second thought, lets take our time with this whole awakening process. All of a sudden I’m not in such a hurry for what’s next lol.
Love and Light