It’s this Pisces planetary pileup that has me all out of sorts. I had to finally not only apologize to my invisibles but literally ask them out loud what’s wrong with me? Not that much longer later a video popped up in my YouTube feed reminding me of all the planetary placements happening.
I’m not going to go into detail about every single one of ’em but my Mars is in Pisces and it just came out of retrograde so it’s a moving. This placement in my birth chart has had me at a tug o’ war so to speak my whole life. My mom used to always tell me I’m my worst enemy and this is why. My Mars wants to be moving forward (passionately) while my (dreamy) Pisces wants to chill and hang back.
Some of the planetary placements happening right this second have never been charted before so it’s no wonder I’m all over the board with restlessness, spouts of doubt and what feels like everything under the sun. My boss brought me a cinnamon roll yesterday at work and while that is not on my menu I devoured it like it was nobody’s business. No regrets either, not even a little. In fact, I’m pretty sure I enjoyed it a little too much with the it feels good to be bad attitude.
At least I can take a deep breath knowing this too shall pass and get on with my day. My dreams are a bunch of randos as I call ’em but they sure are vivid with me remembering every last detail. They’re not the usual short stories with no endings and no beginnings but rather like a movie from start to finish where I can recall pretty much everything.
I also had two more, I don’t know if these are visions or psychic abilities fine tuning themselves, but I had two more thoughts come to fruition. I had the first thought, it was more of a wish really, from someone feeling the longing for their sweetheart. On or around Valentines Day I was thinking it sure would be nice if someone sent me some roses while I was at work.
I didn’t receive a dozen roses however yesterday in the middle of my shift one of the ladies who works across the way pulled me over and gave me some carnations which was super nice.
A few weeks ago she was having a hard time so I helped her out. I just did what felt like the right thing to do and she was simply saying thank you but I was like wow, and I got my flowers nonetheless.
Sunday on my way to work I was thinking about my name acrostically and when I came to one of the S’s the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious came to mind. Haha for whatever reason that was my word. I was blown away six hours later as my shift was coming to an end and I was literally about to walk out the door when they said that word over the radio.
I know with all the planetary stuff happening heightened intuition is something to be aware of but I can’t help but think it’s something more than that for me as these types of visions and thoughts have been happening for a few months now. If I didn’t know any better I’d say my psychic abilities are becoming more sensitive and all my Clairs are slowly but surely opening up even more so. What are the Clairs?
Clairvoyance…clear seeing. While I can’t say I see peoples auras (yet) I can see the atmospheric auras. I certainly see clearly through illusions and peoples horse manure. You can’t gaslight me either. Oh you can try, but it won’t fly. I also see through masks and facades and would consider myself a human lie detector. Spirit lovingly confirmed this one not too long ago. I was asking about the subtle energies I pick up on and this is what they had to say…
Claircognizance…clear knowing. This is probably one of my front runners, it doesn’t happen all the time but when it does look out, there’s no holding me back. It’s also probably my favorite. I can’t explain how it feels when you just know something, you just do. Like when I woke up that morning knowing it was time to go get my storage in Colorado and then all the stars aligned and everything fell right into place.
It can also be unrelenting thoughts which I’m very familiar with. This is different from obsessive thinking. When something keeps playing in my head I know I either need to write about it or address it in some which way shape or form. More often than not the thoughts won’t subside until I do.
Clairaudience…clear hearing. This one is a little tricky as I don’t hear outside voices however I do hear the one inside my head. For example, I’ll never forget the first time I heard from God (which is also my higher self) when I was sitting on the wall outside of the church. I heard clear as day (in my head) “I bet there’s a message in there for you.”
And yes there was, I cried through the whole service. It was all about forgiveness that first day attending my church and it was everything I needed to hear. It was the beginning of my road to forgiveness as I had recently left my dads house after having a major falling out and knowing I would probably never see him again.
Clairsentient...clear feeling. I think we all experience this one on some level. I’ve always had a good judge of character for lack of a better word because I don’t judge anybody. It also runs parallel with my intuition and I can usually tell right off the bat if something just doesn’t feel right. So far I can’t literally feel other peoples emotions, and to be honest don’t know if I even want to. I sense ’em, even if they’re hiding, but I don’t physically experience ’em.
Clairalience…clear smelling. I’ve only experienced this twice and both times were right after my mom passed and both times were of her smell. My mom had a very distinct smell of roses which makes sense because she wore TEA ROSE perfume. The first time was one night at a friends house, I went to retire for the evening and my pillow smelled like roses.
The other time I was leaving my hotel (this was before I officially left Colorado and was staying in hotels because I had just left my husband) and when I got in my truck the whole cab smelled like my mother. I just remember bursting into tears, it was so magical. Did you know that the scent of a rose on some level is quantum? A little birdy told me that.
Clairgustance…clear tasting. I got nothing on this one. I can tell you my taste buds don’t like ginger.
Clairempathy…clear emotion. I feel like all empaths experience this one, it just matters to what degree. I would say this also runs parallel with clairvoyance because it has a lot to do with energy and I sense subtle energies that I’m gonna vote most don’t recognize.
Clairtangency…clear touch. I don’t have anything for this one either. I’ve seen one of my go-to tarot readers doing her thing when she rubs the cards and get’s information from them, and I believe her as I see truth. This is also called psychometry and is a type of ESP, extrasensory perception.
One of these days I’m sure all my Clairs will be in full force but not today. As Spirit would like to say…
Here’s some other things they recently had to say…
And in case you were wondering what acrostic is, here’s an acrostic Melissa poem….

Love and Light