Pennies and Dimes in Manuel

Pennies and Dimes in Manuel

I was talking with one of my roommates about pennies and dimes and all that good stuff. Talking about how I didn’t  know I would if I would get any in Costa Rica because they don’t use ’em of course. The following morning (yesterday) I was making my bed and there it was. 100 colon (it’s missing the hyphen of course so don’t pronounce it like it it’s not supposed to be). I didn’t put it there, hell I can barely get over there. Magic I tell ya.

Manuel Antonio  (03/26/201).
Speaking of pennies and dimes. I was unpacking my shiznit as usual when I turned around and BAM there was another colon (don’t forget the hyphen for pronunciation lol) just teetering on the edge of my backpack.


I mean, there’s no way for a coin to just land there folks, so unless I was desperate for you to believe, which I’m not, I can’t make this shit up. I could give two shits if you believe me or not actually cause if you don’t then it’s not my fault you’re closed minded because magic is real.





— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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