11 essential truths your soul wants you to know that’ll change your life forever if you let them.
1. Your soul is always guiding you… when we tune into the Illusions we can’t hear the soul. You have two choices, you can listen to the Illusions or you can listen to your soul.
2. Choose who you are in any given situation… your soul only cares about the experience and not what you have. The embodiment of the soul is about bringing joy to what we do. Joy and happiness are choices.
3. You are not a new soul… you’re not a newbie so don’t act like one. The soul is a treasure of wisdom and that wisdom is already inside you, you just have to learn how to access it. If you’re a Lightworker and/or Starseed you’ve been in training for this for quite some time.
4. Soul-aligned relationships… forming relationships with soul- aligned people is crucial for developing powerful fields of resonance. This resonance allows us to remember who we are at a faster pace, speeding up the process. Forming these entities are beneficial for everyone. We’re meant to be connected during these times of the Golden Age.
5. Stop punishing yourself… we punish ourselves when we hold the past against us. Let it go. FYI…self-sabotage and talking bad about yourself are forms of punishment so if you’re doing that, stop that! The lower frequencies are far from a healing path so drop it and let it all go.
6. Safety and Security… focus on safety and security within yourself. while it can be time consuming (I’m going on like two years, especially this past year) it’s a necessary process because past traumas and wounds can keep us in a low frequency. Work on healing your inner child as much as possible. An inner child that feels safe and secure is part of your foundation to a happy life.
7. The Earth is your home… it’s your home in the here and now so make it count, at the very least try to enjoy the ride. The soul wanted to come here to experience Earth and its magnetic frequency along with the five senses. Travel when possible, dance in the rain like no one’s watchin’, sing even if you think you stink (although that’s technically negative self-talk so don’t do that) sing even if you don’t sound like Adele, and love like you’ve never been hurt before. Always try to be present so get off your phones and pay attention to the beauty in nature surrounding you.
8. You don’t owe explanations… you don’t owe anyone explanations about your soul’s choices. You are the only person here on Earth who can hear your heart chakra and soul calling so don’t pollute your dreams with other people’s fears and projections. Don’t let anyone plant seeds of doubt in your souls garden.
9. Surrender… living in a surrendered state of consciousness makes life somewhat easier. Take your ego out of the captain’s chair, let it ride shotgun instead and lead with your heart-based consciousness because your ego doesn’t hold the key. Let go of logic and clear out the noise and clutter and allow the soul to step in. The soul guides you when there’s no resistance and always comes from the heart, it cannot be faked!
10. Don’t give in to the fear of the global situation… your soul didn’t plan a life of fear. Nothing deprives you of your soul expression other than yourself. Your purpose wasn’t to come here to suffer and your soul knows that so don’t let your ego think otherwise. Trust in the Universal Laws.
11. Embody your soul little by little… it’s time to start embodying your soul consciously. You’ll know when there’s no difference between you and your soul because you’ll speak as your soul, walk as your soul and act as your soul. The whole point of 3D is expressing your soul through physical reality while the point of 5D is expressing your soul through your heart. Remember magic comes through mastering the small through time and space.
Love and Light