As many of us are aware a historic shift and vibration from the 3D to 5D is occurring creating the New Earth. Ascension is the process of raising your vibration. Just to be clear, everybody is chosen but those who act on it are the ones who will help make the difference.
5D will only be experienced by those who are spiritually awakened and in order for ascension to take place you must have already undergone some type of shadow work. Shadow work is knowing and acknowledging any self-esteem issues, limiting beliefs and self-sabataging so you can connect to your true authentic self. It’s about recognizing any past issues and resolving them when possible through understanding and forgiveness.
Ascension sickness wasn’t taught in medical school and the symptoms can be fealt emotionally, physically, or spiritually, and will affect everybody differently. Lightworkers and/or Starseeds incarnated here for many reasons and one was to guide humanity through the 5D shift.
1. You stop judging yourself and others in 5D Earth…less ego allows you to tap into the higher emotions. Yes, you came to here to experience those lower emotions but now they’re no longer needed for your soul’s growth. Your higher self doesn’t judge any emotion as good or bad, it simply sees it as neutral and guidance to help you along your way. It’s our ego minds that judge ourselves and others. In 5D you accept people for who they are and know it’s our differences that make us unique and special. In 5D you know that we are all one. We are all connected. Less judgment + more compassion = 5D
2. You trust all your needs are met… 5D’s all about trusting and knowing you’re always supported. You trust in yourself and your spirit guides and believe in manifestation. You know everything’s going to be okay even if you can’t see how, you just know all your needs will be met. (Like I’ve said before I may not have everything that I want right now but I certainly have everything that I need. I also know this isn’t my final destination. I haven’t come this far to just come this far. God, the Universe, my Angels and especially my mom, they all have my back while I’m in what I call spiritual bootcamp)
3. You understand everything is energy…in 5D everything is energy vibrating at a different rate, it cannot be created or destroyed but it can be changed. This is exactly why we don’t die per se, we just transition to something that’s vibrating at a higher level. Something better thats truly beyond anything our ego minds can comprehend
4. You manifest much quicker…in 5D when you can manifest quicker it’s because you’re tapped into the higher vibrational 5D energy that’s also vibrating faster. As Abraham Hicks would say, “get tuned in, tapped on, turned on. Joy is the key.” (Love Abraham Hicks)
5. You’re eating lighter…your light body compared to your carbon body won’t require as much food. Your body will begin to shift from a dense carbon-based body to a light crystalline-based one. This is a gradual (slow) process that takes much time but we’ve been receiving energy waves since we were born to make this happen
6. You start to eliminate toxins…you will start to remove toxic people, substances, and even toxic thoughts. These toxins are no longer a match to your vibration so it will leave your reality. Whether it’s toxic people like narcissists, substances like alcohol or highly processed food, your body won’t be able to handle the density. Toxic emotions won’t exist in your 5D either
7. When you’re in 5D Earth you feel a deep need to connect with nature…you’ll find yourself wanting to get out more and ground yourself to the Earth and feel the energy of Gaia
8. You feeling a oneness…3D is all about separation while 5D is all about oneness. Not only will you feel more connected to people but also to nature and animals
9. You have more vivid or lucid dreams…in 5D you notice your dreams to have more detail and find it easier to remember them. Lucid dreaming is when you’re dreaming and know that you’re dreaming, sometimes even being able to control them. Dreams are very much connected to your Clairvoyance (clear seeing) intuitive ability so vivid dreams may be an indication your Clairvoyance is starting to open up and strengthen as you would ascend higher into 5D Earth. (Always a good idea to write down what you recall when you wake up as many dreams contain messages, last night was all about high school LOL class of ’93 baby)
10. Your psychic abilities are enhanced in 5D Earth…part of ascension is turning on your gifts and intuitive senses like telepathy and they will continue to grow as you move forward
11. Your old life is collapsing as you shift from 3D to 5D…you may feel like you’re old life is crumbling (too late LMAO). As you take in more 5D energy your 3D experiences will start to shift and certain things and people will fade away. While it may be difficult trust that it’s for the best you’ll feel so much better in your new life and energy. When you’re doing your inner work sometimes your life has to fall apart in order for it to fall back together. (Sad but true)