
While I know in my heart I’m on the right path and everything that has transpired in the last two and a half years was necessary I still have those moments where I think I might be losing my mind on top of everything else. I also know that it’s in my wandering path where frustration lives and where magic is found because I recognize there’s a different experience than the previous linear path that’s now opening up to another awakening on my spiritual journey.

I received a confirmation to the questioning of my madness and questioning why relationships change. I understand people need to be let go of and its part of the process but it’s also one of the hardest parts of the process as it takes time to heal. I received it from Molly McCord, an intuitive astrologist…

“Relationship changes are happening because people are on different spiritual growth timelines and trajectories. Chances are you’re a leader, a pioneer, a change agent, someone stepping into your spiritual power ahead of the mass majority. This includes “doing your work” before family, friends, partnerships, groups, pretty much anywhere we have people in your life.”

There’s so much involved with “doing the work” and much of it is done in solitary because, at this juncture for me, it’s unexplainable. With time that’ll change and right now it’s about connecting with my guides, trusting my intuition, trusting the Universe and trusting that there most certainly is a Divine plan, which is so much easier said than done.

It’s about knowing there’s so much more to life than the 9 to 5 grind that we’ve been taught since the day we were born. There’s more to life than the 3D linear experience. Believe it or not, Earth is a stepping stone.

As a way shower it’s now my job to figure it out, to be the beacon of light in the darkness we’re all too familiar with and I’m up for the challenge of course. Aries are notorious for starting things and not finishing because we’re passionate about so many different things but this is one project I guarantee won’t get lost in the shuffle. This is my life, this is our life, it’s all for humanity and the unconditional love of a new and better way of living where the new mantra is “thank you.”

Those who are grateful are happy and those who aren’t, aren’t.

Love and Light