So the other day I asked Spirit and my Guides for a sign. A sign that I was on the right path and basically doing it right. Now rest assured I’m completely aware that I’m on the exact path God intended me to be on but you know, a little reassurance goes a long way and says something to ones confidence level so yeah, I asked, as I often do. Just to be sure lol. I asked for some specific stuff too but I’ll keep that private until they actually come to fruition. I asked for a sign in the form a bee, or bees, I can’t remember if it was plural or not but that doesn’t matter and will make more sense in a few. Anywho, the next day I’m at work and as my coworker was done folding the residents clothing I offered to put ’em away and wouldn’t you know it, right on top was a t-shirt with a stinkin’ bee on it. I love it.
Then later that day I went for a walk in the park with a resident, we like to go to the park so I can french braid her hair, listen to hip hop cause that’s her favorite and get some much needed fresh air. On the way back Spirit left a feather for me to find. That feather wasn’t there twenty minutes ago I thought to myself with a big ass smile on my face.
Then when lunch rolled around I went to my phone to look up an angel number and when I opened the app 11:11 popped up with no prompting and it wasn’t even 11:11 yet, clearly you can see it was 11:00. Just an angel reminder I suppose as they’re doing their best to always help keep me aligned. It’s 2:27 as I type this at the library. Another angel number that’s popular with me these days. I can’t make this stuff up. I love it.
This is my crazy life that I wouldn’t change for the world. Actually, I kinda did change my whole life for the world LOL just not sure how yet but it’s coming.
For the first time in my existence I can say with confidence that I’m truly happy and feel like one of the most blessed people on the planet. I feel like a million dollars. Sure it’s been a rough road as I’ve had to sometimes fight to find my happiness through the trenches but I found it, and it’s only the beginning. It can only get better and it will. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been happy in the past and have had good relationships whether they be romantic, friendships, and even family. Just because they didn’t work out doesn’t mean they weren’t meant to happen. Of course they were and if they didn’t work out then there was a lesson to be learned to better myself.
I’m a firm believer that we all incarnate on the planet with a blueprint and soul contracts. We all come here with a specific map of what we need to do for our soul evolution. Earth is nothing but a school for the soul and if you don’t get it right this time, well then you come back again, and again. You keep coming back however many times it takes till you get it right because I’ve got news for you, on the Other Side, you don’t hang out unless you DO have it right. Eternal life is like it says, it’s eternal and it’s eternally blissful with nothing but awesomeness and unconditional love. Period. Of course I can get much deeper with all that along with the duality of it all but that’s a post for another day as dark entities aren’t on my docket for this post of signs and confirmations.
Back to my request for a sign in the form a bee(s). I also asked for it in the form of tarot but that was just me being a little, for lack of a better word, greedy because I wanted specific answers to my specific questions but that’s not how Spirit always works. First of all, I don’t call the shots here and I’ve mentioned before that a request for a sign might not show up right away and it also might not show up in the exact way in which you asked and it sometimes takes time. I can’t help but think one of Spirit’s favorite words is patience because a journey requires so much of it but luckily I like to think I’m pretty in tune with my Angels and Guides so they’re pretty quick to respond these days. And for that I say thank you.
So the following day, yesterday, I’m on my way back from the gym when all of a sudden I notice my bike has a flat. SON OF A… I think to myself as I dismount and start to walk it the rest of the way. Mind you this is as I’m on my way to the airshow so naturally I’m in somewhat of a hurried excitement. Not anymore LOL and then I remind myself it’s all about the reaction as I’m well aware I’m still in my testing zone and realize the Universe just pulled another pop quiz.
As I pass with more flying colors I’m then rewarded and reminded why the Universe wants me to slow down by walking my bike because I then pass a bush buzzing with a ton of bees. Confirmation and reassurance yet again. I couldn’t remember if I asked for plural or not but at this point it didn’t matter because I just got both. Not to mention, I wouldn’t have seen that bush of bees had I not been walking my bike. This is a day in the life of me and I love it. I couldn’t be really all that mad about the flat either, even though I had another one just last week, but I’m grateful for the fact that I’m fully covered with purchasing a new tire and it just so happens to be on my way to the airshow. Life is good. So good I went ahead and purchased some new grips while I was at it and felt all warm and fuzzy with what felt like an almost but not really new bike lol. Everything happens for a reason and when you slow down enough to recognize that, everything just falls into place.
As if the t-shirt and bush of bees wasn’t enough, that night I did get some answers I was looking for in the form of tarot. I don’t know about you, but those look an awful lot like bees to me. I chose pile two because my intuition told me to choose the High Priestess pile. Did it resonate? You bet your sweet ass it did. And of course, for that I say thank you.
Love and Light