
Yesterday was a good day, well every day is a good day, but yesterday was exceptional and here’s a few reasons why. I’m thoroughly enjoying my new job as it fills my heart with joy and my time with fun and laughter, working with special needs has always been as I call it my jam. It’s also considered a wish fulfillment in tarot and in my world that’s exactly what it is. I only have three wishes and not on purpose just by happenstance I only have three. The other two I will keep to myself until they come to fruition, hopefully sooner than later. Checked the clock three times yesterday, I check it somewhat often for recording on charts, administering meds and whatnot, but the three random and for reasons other than the obvious yesterday were as follows…


I experienced apportation once again, actually twice this week now that I think about it. Real quick, about a week and a half ago I lost one of my bracelets, it was a bracelet that belonged to my mother and I was heart broken that it had fallen off my wrist. With no idea when or where and knowing there was nothing I could do about it I was sad for I don’t even know how long but not long and moved on with my day. Well a couple days ago I was looking for my can opener and found it and then for whatever reason, I know now lol, I ended up taking everything out of the front part of my suitcase and at the very bottom in the corner low and behold there was my bracelet. I know skeptics will be like that’s where it must’ve fallen off, however I disagree because the way I sit in my car and where that suitcase is positioned it would be almost impossible cause I’m predominantly right handed, the suitcase is on my right and that bracelet is worn on the left hand. Apportaion, and in my opinion another test to see how I’m gonna react to the loss and when I passed again I was rewarded with that precious bracelet. Words cannot describe how ecstatic I was and I think I must’ve said thank you a hundred times.

Yesterday at work one of my coworkers was looking for a residents toe chingadera, a little thingy that goes between her big toe and other toes for medical reasons, and couldn’t find it. Eventually he gave up and went ahead with bathing her. As I’m in the bathroom now too washing some syringes and other feeding supplies, I looked away for what seemed like a second to respond to something he said and boom there was the toe thingy in the sink with the rest of my stuff. I said, “found it” and he responded with, “wow, that just came outta no where.” I had to laugh a little at first and mentioned apportation with a quick definition. He looked at me like I had lobsters crawling outta my ears and I had to laugh again and remind him that just because he’s not a believer doesn’t mean it’s not possible and he should just say thank you. Hmmm, actually now that I’m thinking about it it could be manifestation too. Hmmm.

That house is filled with so much Spirit it’s not even funny though. I mean, we’re all God’s children of course, but special needs are God’s special children with their very own special team of angels. I can’t even fathom myself what that might look like, I can’t even imagine how many angels are hanging out there. For the record we can’t see them because they vibrate on a frequency much higher than ours. Even for someone like myself who vibrates pretty high, nothing compares to the angels. I’m always amused when staff members will be like so and so was just laughing at nothing. Oh they’re laughing at something. They do it all day every day, they’re always laughing and I know exactly what they’re laughing at.

I received a message from my cousin Kimmie and that was super awesome, I love Kimmie, she and her beautiful family live in Hawaii and she is one of the few that I keep in touch with. I can count on two hands pretty much of the people who care enough to keep in contact. They’re few and far between these days and that’s okay, I get it. Some are by choice while others are not but at the end of the day it is what it is and naturally people grow apart, especially if your views and values aren’t even slightly similar and again that’s okay. Those selected few are members of what I call my OG soul squad but I’m now anxiously awaiting the new squad where I’m aligned with people who are 100% on the same page as me as far as spirituality is concerned. Who know what I’m talking about most of the time and can teach me a thing or two about astrology, astronomy, philosophy and the like, and who are wide awake and on the same page, give or take a few perspectives of course.

I responded to the rest of that message with we do have phones… they’re called mediums.

Without sounding as if I’m boasting I’m told more often than not that I’m a super positive person with great energy and like I told my cousin, it’s definitely a learned behavior. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been a cheerful person, for the most part, but definitely not like I am now. I drive my coworkers nuts when I show up for a 6 o’clock shift at 5:45 am raring to go with enthusiasm and excitement and mind you with no coffee and be like good morning sunshines. They don’t get it lol. But then again none of them are even a little awake when it comes to what’s happening in the world right now nonetheless what a spiritual awakening is all about.

It’s crazy when I think about all the heartache, loss and learning the hard way it took to get here, to be as positive and happy as I am, especially after the verbal fights along the way. But like everything else, they were all for purpose and I’m finally at the point where I just don’t want to fight anymore. It’s just now where I vibrate from anymore and find it a complete waste of energy. I’d like to think I’ve now matured enough where I realize that that’s not the way to solve anything. Without a doubt I’ve learned more and grown up more in the past two and a half years than I have in my whole life. And I have my spiritual awakening and journey to thank for it.

I’ve gotta also give credit where credit is due, I wouldn’t have had my awakening or be on my miraculous journey without the eternal and (unconditional) love of my mother and Source who have never left my side, not even for a second, who are continuously guiding my every step while allowing me my free will to make the right choices. It’s when I don’t make the right choices, that’s when I really learn and grow and become all the wiser but they allow me the space to grow and then present situations in another way in order for me to get it right. I never knew what true unconditional love was until now and it’s really only a taste of what it’s really like on the Other Side. I never really knew the power of prayer and the importance of forgiveness, but again, that’s what a spiritual awakening is for, to teach you just that.

As I sit here and reflect on my journey thus far I can’t help but to be grateful for all I have learned including the hardships and humility, it’s because of all of it that I am the person I’ve evolved into today. I’ve truly become the woman my mother always knew I could be. In fact, I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, one of her favorite sayings for me was…

“It’s never too late to be what you always could’ve been”

Damn, that phrase has never meant as much to me as it does right this second. That’s amazing, thanks mom. She knew. It may seem like right now I have nothing but that’s only because most people only see the material aspects of life. I’ll tell you what, I feel like the richest person in the world and no amount of money or possessions can replace the happiness and wholeness I now feel. That’s exactly why I’m so positive and that’s why I’m able to see the light at the end of every tunnel. I can only hope and pray that it encourages others to want to do the same. Maybe not my journey of course, but that’s the beauty of awakenings and journeys, they’re all unique to each individual. Not everybody will have to lose their entire immediate family (almost) and live in a car for a year lol. Others will do it their own way, but some commonalities are discovering who you are through a dark night of the soul where you pretty much have to relearn everything you’ve ever been taught while realizing and fixing the shadow aspects of yourself which not many will be willing or even able to do in this lifetime.

And for the record, I will be outta my car in less than a month and couldn’t be more excited. At least that’s my plan but I’ll tell you what it seems more often than not these days when I think I’ve got it all figured out, enter stage left with Spirit and something else planned for me that’s completely different. Likes to keep you on your toes that Spirit lol. Which is why I now live my life more so than ever in the flow of things because I know no matter what, I’m totally covered.

And now I’ll leave you here with a little inspiration from one of my faves Jordan Peterson…

Love and Light