Harvest Festival, Angel Number 333 & My Momma

My mom rarely leaves my side as she’s constantly overlooking my journey and helping me pave the way but yesterday I felt exceptionally close to her. Started off with church, naturally it’s Sunday, and I did what I love doing for the second service and that’s volunteering in the nursery. I’ve been called the baby whisperer more than once but I have to give credit where credit is due because I learned from the best and that was my mother, so I know she was right there with me rocking that baby girl. I would’ve sat there all day, numb butt and all, if they asked me to. For me there’s so much healing with holding babies.

After service I was invited to join some friends from church for some fellowship over a bowl of menudo. I love mendudo and so did my mom so I knew she was right there next to me enjoying me enjoying my soup, and even though I call myself a vegetarian I have to admit I cheat a little now and again, especially when it comes to something like menudo. My friends are around my mom’s age as well so it was nice to sit and enjoy the company of what felt like parents.

I was gifted a coat from a fellow member of my church because where I was headed was gonna be cold and she’s just nice like that. When I later reached into one of the pockets I received instant confirmation and comfort as my mother was right there with me. Actually made cry happy tears. For those who don’t know my mother loved hearts and was notorious for her hearts and hearts on cards.

Went to my first Harvest Festival, #socalharvest, at the Angel Stadium and the energy flowing throughout the arena was pretty next level. It’s been decades since I’ve been to the Angel Stadium so it felt good to be in somewhat of my stomping grounds considering I was born in Anaheim. We sat club level and to no surprise section 333 so you know I couldn’t resist announcing how it was an awesome angel number. But what’s even more awesome is when you wake up the next morning to an angel message regarding angel number 333, talk about synchronicity.

I woke up this morning to a message about angel number 333, not to mention the fact that it’s raining. I absolutely love the rain, and so did my mom, it’s actually both of our favorite type of weather and being all snuggled up in my car makes it that much better. Someone recently called it liquid sunshine and I couldn’t agree more, that’s exactly what it is in my world.

Angel number 333… three reasons why you’re seeing the Angel number 333.

#1… if you’re seeing angel number 333 it’s a message from your angel guides to find balance now, whatever that means for you. It’s an urgent call to review all areas in your life that aren’t balanced and then self-correct immediately, better to do it now than later to avoid things getting messy, may it be your career, health, finances or relationships. Remember, things will only go smoothly when you’re in balance and your angels are just saving you the potential problems they see coming in the next few days. (Let’s also not forget there’s another eclipse tomorrow not to mention full moon, double whammy of energy)

#2… take time to celebrate yourself. Dear one, if you feel your life’s in balance and you have yourself to credit it to for working so hard to get your life in order then it’s time to celebrate yourself. Angel number 333 is a message from your angels to acknowledge what you’ve been doing to better your life, it’s like a pat on your back. They’ve sent you angel number 333 because they’ve seen you taking steps to level up areas of your life that you’ve been long neglecting so if you’re feeling bad about past mistakes don’t feel bad. Instead celebrate your triumphs with your angels as they are comforting you and reassuring you that you’re doing just fine. (Awesome, thank you)

#3… focus on creativity and creating joy. Angel number 333 is associated with creativity, joy and communication and is a call for you to find joy and happiness in everything you do. Don’t forget to have fun and do more of what you enjoy doing. Connect with loved ones, express yourself and be authentic, whatever it is that makes you happy, bring more of it into your life. Be creative in your approach and it’ll bring you so much joy and happiness. Seeing angel number 333 is your angels way to push you to be optimistic and hopeful. (All day, every day)

Synchronicity doesn’t get any better than sitting in section 333 and waking up to a message regarding that same number and for that I say thank you.

All in all the Harvest Festival was pretty cool, it got a little preachy there for a minute but I have to also remember that it’s Calvary Chapel and not everybody’s on the same kind of spiritual journey that I am. Did I really think it was necessary to mention Joe Biden or a nuclear apocalypse, or politics in general for that matter? No, absolutely not because all that does is put fear in people when the new revival needs to be all about love. But again not everybody knows that a nuclear war isn’t possible, neither is an apocalypse, but hey that’s just me and my insider information from the unseen world lol. Stop scaring people for crying out loud because it’s not cool.

What was cool though was seeing a ton of people giving their lives to Jesus out on the field where the energy was just flowing.

Worship was heartfelt of course and this song by Jeremy Camp spoke so loudly to me that it too brought me happy tears of joy, not to mention goose bumps from head to toe.

I can say with confidence that I am healing too, and you wanna know how I know? My psoriasis is finally going away, which I’ve struggled off and on with since the age of seven. I developed it after my security and innocence was stolen by an adult as a child and it’s often associated spiritually with shame and guilt. Its a pretty big subject that I won’t go into detail in this post but all the inner work I’ve been doing and of course by the grace of God and the help from Jesus and Archangel Rafael, my skin is finally healing. I’m optimistic and certain that I am just getting started, now that all the hard shadow work and offering forgiveness where forgiveness was necessary is coming to completion I’ll finally start to reap the rewards of all my work and progress.

Such a great day, so grateful for my journey, my challenges, my lessons, my gifts, my wisdom that I’ll forever continue to grow and my trials and tribulations. So blessed for my awakening and my team of angels and my brigade that all vibrate at such a high frequency I can’t even see ’em but I know they’re there and I trust them more than anything I can see with my physical eyes because every single day I’m reminded of their unconditional love and encouragement. Every single day, and for that I say thank you and I love you too.

This was a cool picture. At concerts now instead of lighters it’s cell phone flashlights. This picture doesn’t do it justice of course but it was so pretty. As much as I don’t really care for technology it’s here to stay and I have to be grateful because I couldn’t share my journey without it. I can only pray that we use it wisely.

Love and Light


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Love and Light



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