Mom Says. God Says.

Last night I was putzin’ on my tablet before going to sleep and it wasn’t cooperating so I was like fine be that way, I’ll just switch to my phone. I did and then all of a sudden I knew exactly why. This beautiful song I’ve never heard before was anxiously waiting to be heard by me. So awesome. After embracing the moment with tears of joy (and a little sadness) I simply said thanks mom and went to bed.

Only to wake up this morning to this beautiful message. Only thing better than prophetic messages are messages from God himself of course! Not only is it exactly what I needed to hear but it’s also confirmation because it is exactly what needed to be heard as it’s everything that I’m already feeling.

God says:

You’re ready. A new chapter has been hovering over you for a long period of time; the door you have been looking for will finally be revealed. You won’t be waiting much longer now; the Universe is eager to show you the blessings it’s made for you. You’re in the final stretch of another transformative chapter; smile knowing it’s all coming to a peaceful end. The lessons you needed to learn are now engrained permanently in your mind. The habits you needed to kick are now a memory of your past. The energies you needed to let go of have been released from your mind, heart and spirit.

These final moments before you ascend requires the utmost faith, patience and humility from your soul. What’s waiting on the other side of that door for you is beyond anything you have ever visualized. Prepare to be amazed: the warrior in you has earned its divine surprise. You’ll soon understand why your timing is perfect and why things had to happen the way it did. To guide you to where you’re meant to be. You will be celebrating.

Even if you decide to go for it and it doesn’t work out the way you hoped it would you have still won. You still made the brave decision to dive straight into something that once frightened you. It’s that type of bravery that will take you far. You will receive a golden opportunity by the end of May. Something unexpected and amazing is on its way to you. Your name is being mentioned in rooms your feet haven’t entered yet. God is going to do something amazing in your life. Keep moving forward. Believe that your breakthrough is coming. Focus on the positive side. Don’t fall for where you are now, it’s not your final destination. It’s your season of preparation. There’s about to be a shift in your life. Get ready to win big in life. Enjoy.

God says:

Life will throw different things your way. They may sting but will not destroy you. I am with you. And I will never let anything destroy you. You are my child and I love you. Being calm about everything allows your mind to find solutions. Calmness is also a state of trust. Instead of overthinking and overreacting you just surrender for that moment and allow yourself to receive guidance for what doesn’t make sense.

God says:

Sometimes I hold you back until the road to your destination is clear and safe.

God says:

Not everyone is meant to understand you which is why not everyone does. Do not be discouraged. I understand you. I love you. It will happen when things line up. You’re being prepared for it. Let things play out. Follow the signs and start being more consistent with your growth. Trust in what’s happening. It’s about to be a movie how things are going to play out for you. Some kind of miracle will happen to you this week. You will manifest something you have been waiting for. Be ready to receive it with faith and gratitude.

Well a thousand thank yous and a thousand more lol.

Love and Light