As the earth continues its steady rotation the celestial bodies above us move in perfect harmony. On March 7th at 7:40am EST the full moon in Virgo will rise illuminating the sky and bringing with it a renewed focus on our daily lives, our routines and physical health. During this lunar cycle we may experience a range of characteristics associated with the sign Virgo including a heightened sense of organization and cleanliness, a desire to streamline our routines and work processes along with a renewed focus on our physical health and well-being.
For some these energies may inspire a deep sense of introspection prompting us to take stock in our progress and make necessary adjustments to our routines and habits while others may experience a surge of creativity and productivity and may feel driven to take on new projects or pursue new opportunities. It’s important to remember that the energy of this full moon is focused on the practical aspects of our lives, a time to be mindful of our physical health and daily routines and make adjustments where necessary to create a more balanced and fulfilling existence.
Opposing the sun in Pisces, this full moon brings a sense of balance between the spiritual and the material. While Pisces represents our intuition in our inner world, Virgo represents the external reality we live in. With this alignment we are encouraged to focus on the details of our daily lives and to clean, organize and fix what needs fixing. This energy brings a heightened sense of detail and a renewed focus on our physical health, daily routines and work lives.
This full moon in Virgo is a time to let go of any residual anxiety or self-criticism that inhibits our self-improvement. Uranus brings a radical edge to the moon’s energy challenging us to embrace change and step outside of our comfort zones. This may create a sense of instability when it comes to our emotional processing and appraisal which could lead to unexpected mood swings. By connecting to the stability of the earth and focusing on our physical health and daily routines we can maintain a sense of balance and stability in the face of the unexpected.
Speaking of unexpected, it’s also important to brace yourself for in it we’re living in these times of uncertainty. Be ready for last minute plot twists and remember that change is necessary. While it may seem daunting it is an inevitable part of our lives. By embracing this Uranus energy and remaining focused with the energy of Virgo we can navigate these changes with grace and resilience.
This lunar event also presents an opportunity for collaboration and cooperation. We may find ourselves drawn to surprising pairings or novel approaches to problem solving. It’s important to keep an open mind during this full moon as the energy may bring in unimaginable solutions or opportunities. By remaining receptive to the unexpected we can tap into the full potential of this lunar event creating opportunities for growth and transformation. Whether we’re collaborating with others or pursuing our own path the energy of the full moon in Virgo and Uranus invites us to be open to new possibilities and to embrace the power of the unexpected.
The spiritual message of this lunar event is that whatever happens now is non-negotiable calling upon us to embrace the present moment and to trust in the path that lies before us. It’s a reminder the universe has a plan for us and that we must have faith in the journeys we are on. We’re being invited to take a leap of faith and trust in the unknown so feel the excitement. Of course there’s always challenges but also opportunities and transformative energy that has the potential to shape our lives in profound ways creating a more fulfilling existence full of joy and possibility.
In addition to our full moon in Virgo, Saturn will also be changing signs. Saturn is the planet of hard lessons, tough love and growth. Last time it changed signs was in March of 2020 and I think we all remember what happened then, the whole world went on lockdown. Three years ago Saturn changed into the sign of Aquarius which is all about structure and society. This time Saturn will be changing into the sign of Pisces which is connected to our goals and dreams. This energy is very productive and some may also feel extra sensitive and emotional ultimately helping us to become the best version of ourselves through love and empathy. This may influence or encourage you to declutter your home space, balance your finances and be in the flow of natural organization.
Full moons always bring with them reflective, sensitive and intense energies and I don’t know about you but I am thoroughly looking forward to setting my intentions for this full moon in Virgo. In fact I’m already feeling it as I rearranged my pantry and got a head start on my spring cleaning. As usual I will have a date with our Creator along with the Galactic Federation fully embracing the energies, setting my intentions and reflecting on every aspect of my journey.
I received guidance and confirmation from my spirit guides today that restored some much needed faith, hope and understanding putting that spring back in my step that I need to continue my path with no reservations and eliminating any doubt that I allowed to creep in, and for that I say thank you. They reminded me that I am too blessed to be stressed and I’m exactly where I need to be at this point in my journey.
I’ve been struggling a little at work to keep my energy high and staying positive but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I was also reminded that I’m there to learn about people and behaviors which is developing my spiritual intuition, which will ultimately help me develop my spiritual gifts. I am on the right path as I have a divine contract and everything happens for a reason. It’s important for me to be able to reconcile these things within myself. Being on my path isn’t about work, it’s a spiritual path about connecting to the energies around me and figuring out how to overcome any and all obstacles which will lead to my divine calling.
As a lightworker I’m here to change circumstances on my patch of the world. I’ve been questioning my path because things haven’t showed up in the time in which I hoped for but I have to remember that everything will be activated at the time it’s meant to. I have to trust that there’s fulfillment and fruition along with abundance on its way. I have to have faith and endurance and stick to my course, along with my morals, no matter what.
Sometimes we have to be taught really hard lessons that we oftentimes don’t want but that’s what Saturn is all about. I’m no stranger to tough love and hard lessons as it was also three years ago today that my mother transitioned to a better place, ultimately sacrificing her own life so I could have the chance at a new one. A chance to discover truths along with a new and better way of living and gifting me a chance to become the best version of me.
She gave me the opportunity to realize that it truly is never too late to be what you always could have been. I had the best mom on the planet, I really did. I’m extremely grateful for the last few years before I lost her, we were able to travel and spend some serious quality time together. I cherish those moments now and how we were able to truly bond as mother and daughter after many years of struggling with the strains I put on our friendship. She’s inspiring me to live in the moment, appreciating the here and now because you just never know, and things can disappear in the physical plane in an instant. I miss you momma and love you even more. It’s not forever it’s just for now and until we meet again.
Love and Light