Things I’ve learned Thus Far (to name a few)

To say I’ve learned a lot from just the past three years is a huge understatement.

I’ve learned who I am, who I’m becoming and more importantly my self-worth. I’ve learned my core values, things that are important to me and as a student of life some healthier keys to life that make it a better place to live. I’ve learned the importance of self-care along with setting boundaries. I remember taking a class through Regis University, before my moms transitioning, about boundaries, at least the assignment was about boundaries and at the time I was like, what are boundaries? I remember thinking to myself the first day of class online, I don’t think I have any boundaries. It’s true, I didn’t. I’ve since learned how monumental boundaries really are and how they help keep me grounded and stay positive.

I’ve learned the art of listening. Let’s be real, that’s still a work in progress, but I’m learning how important it is to listen to people. Everybody has a story, not to mention struggle. I feel like more often than not people hear me but they aren’t actually listening, and I’m not talking about when I’m talking about my belief systems or my awakening or spirituality in general because I don’t usually have open conversations about all that at this juncture unless they ask. I’m talking about everyday life and conversations about this that and the other. I often be like (thinking to myself), did you not just hear what I said? It baffles me and I have to laugh (to myself) and shake my head a little, I guess not. Listening is an art, it’s a skill and an act of love. It takes practice and a conscious awareness along with an intention.

I’ve learned about reciprocity and how important that now is to me. Three years ago I knew what give and take was but now I have a deeper understanding and have definitely changed my standards regarding it. Every day I learn something new, every day is a chance to be a better version of myself and every day I grow a little stronger, get a little smarter and with every (challenging) situation I grow all the wiser. And a little funnier too lol, I think so anyway.

I’ve learned that “no” is a complete sentence, no thank you is even better. I’ve learned the importance of please and thank you along with the almighty attitude of gratitude. Trust me, I did a lot of stupid shit in the first half of my life. Like a lot a lot, and I look at the last three years as leveling the playing field and now I’m ready for the second  half of my life. I’m ready to start really living my life, my best life. People have always asked me along the way how I keep such a positive attitude even under such challenging circumstances, i.e. living in my car for roughly 400 days. My optimism and happiness rarely goes unnoticed. Don’t get me wrong, I have super challenging days too but I know with every day also comes a new dawn and everything gets better with time. And according to my birth chart I’m innately optimistic so I guess you could say it was written in the stars.

I’ve learned quite a bit, to name a few.

This song stuck out when I was on my bike ride today and actually inspired me to write this blog post. If you were to ask me how I got so fly, I’d respond with…D. All of the above. I’ve changed, and will continue to change. I’ve changed my way of thinking, my lifestyle, my everything really. Except for who I truly am and always have been which is simply me. I’ve bettered myself and will continue to better myself. I remember my mom writing in a birthday card, “don’t ever be anything less than you.” I’ve come so far on my journey and never thought I’d be where I am today with all of this but here I am.

Damn it feels good to be a gangster lol, a spiritual gangster that is.


I just got this fortune from a cookie tonight after posting this article. I love it. Keep ’em coming cause it’s what keeps me going.

Love and Light. Always.