I took a walk down to the pier this evening as I’ve been feeling a wee bit frustrated and I guess stagnant would be an appropriate word. It was actually a nice surprise to see that the pier was closed, probably because it rained all day, I don’t even know. The gates were closed but not chained so I decided to walk it anyway, it’s the rebellious Aries in me. It was very peaceful and quiet and made my conversation with Spirit that much more intimate. I asked again why I’m here, truth be told it was a colorful conversation, I told ’em I wasn’t satisfied with nirvana lol, it’s a little vague if you ask me.
After I finished thanking God for the weather, the pier, the ocean, everything, I headed back home and felt compelled to pull some cards. I haven’t pulled cards in a while and only do it when I feel the urge and when I’m feeling stuck. I’m telling ya, Spirit doesn’t miss a beat, they see and know everything. Nothing I didn’t already know but when I pull cards and get instant proof it just blows my mind.
Humans are not here to be tested, but rather you’re here as family. The test, therefore, is whether humans can change the vibration of the Earth by their consciousness. -Kryon
From Lee Caroll: Kryon has indicated that we are NOT here to be tested in any way. Instead we are “pieces of God, working a puzzle of energy.” The test is this: can human civilization, within a 50,000 year timeframe, find the Light inside themselves, or not? It’s a test of energy, not of the human. For years the reason for the test has defied logic of many. Kryon tells us this as a hint: “what the result of the test is here (on Earth) will affect the energy of the Galaxy. This Galaxy will then affect the energy of the whole. There is something that you ALL know about this on the other side of the veil, but which is hidden from you while on Earth. It’s not what you think. There is nothing sinister lurking. Instead it is a measure of how big the party will be at the end of it all.” (Kryon wink)
So the real message of this card is for you to feel complete with the knowingness that you are here as family, your life matters, and you have already achieved countless accolades from Spirit just by showing up as a human on planet Earth! You are not here by accident but as family.
I beg to differ, I’m tested constantly, I guess the testing is left to the universe. Right now my Faith is being tested. Thanks for the one to grow on lol but I want to know as a Blue Ray Starseed with Pleiadian DNA, a hint of the angelic realm and a dash of sass, why am I really here? May not have been the exact answer I was seeking but an answer nonetheless. At least they’re listening! My answers will come with time and deep down I know this so I will remain open and patient and just keep going. I have to trust my intuition and know I’m here with purpose.
True story. This card pretty much speaks for itself. When I think about how my journey has unraveled thus far I’m always blown away with how I’ve always had exactly what I needed when I needed it and for that I’m extremely grateful. I think I lose sight of the big picture when I feel like I’m somewhat stuck. I’m not stuck, I’m just in between and I have to surrender to that. I have to let go of what I think is right and let Them show me the way. It’s easier said than done when the ego is always in survival mode. I have to simply let go and embrace the unknown.
I love it when these messages show up. I do get them daily but don’t look at ’em all the time. Somehow my higher self knows which ones I need to read and when I need to read ’em because they don’t always apply but when I returned from my walk (I didn’t take my phone) this was waiting to be read.

I swear to God they see everything. So you’re saying I shouldn’t eat whip cream from the can, and maybe I didn’t need two cups of hot cocoa this evening? Too funny. It was raining you guys lol. I love it. And I do love me some whip cream. Now I see why my dad always put it in a stapled paper bag in the fridge growing up, it doesn’t last long. Bahahahahha.