I asked for a sign and I got a playlist
I asked my angels for a sign the other morning and I asked for it in the form of YouTube. I receive hidden messages in my tarot from time to time. There’s countless ways in which messages show themselves. I went about my day and have to admit it was a little harder than most as I was spending my evening at the Airshow putting flyers in the bathrooms because I’m constantly being censored by Facebook and Nextdoor. I was like fine, I’ll do it the old fashioned way if I have to. So I did, and I am. But it’s just sad to me that nobody cares and not enough people know and the clocks ticking.
As I’m going to bed, it’s around midnight, I put on my headphones and was gonna listen to some tarot when this popped up in my feed. A playlist. “A playlist specially made for me by YouTube.” No, lets get this straight right now, it’s a playlist that was made for me and it was made by my mom.
I asked for a sign and I got a playlist. I was up until around 3:30 listening to every song. I cried, I laughed and I cried some more. The songs I knew of course had some kind of memory or meaning attached to it but what was amazing was the songs I’d never heard before that had the biggest messages. And the songs that had the lyrics (not all of ’em displayed the lyrics) were of course the messages I was meant to read. It was so powerful and I’m so grateful. I may not have much but sometimes I feel like the richest woman in the world. I have my faith and I still have my mom. Our souls are connected for eternity and that’s what keeps me going. That and my faith in GOD.
I love Sia, I really like her song Titanium (probably cause I have a titanium rod in my right leg, drunken stooper, yeah a big one lol) but I hadn’t heard this song and it opened my floodgates the second it started.
— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader