Love Not Fear

A channeled message from Jesus was brought to my attention. Not my channeling, this one is by John Smallman. Everyone channels for the record, whether you realize it or even believe in it, where do you think inspiration comes from? When you’re in the flow, losing track of time, especially when you’re doing something creative, chances are you’re channeling. I do channel when I write. I don’t know exactly what or how much but I do. I love it when I read a sentence and be like damn that’s good, thanks for the insight, thanks for the inspiration, thanks for the download, whatever the case may be.

Before we get to messages from Yeshua though, I just got home from Knotts and sat down to my computer only to hear my little feathered friend at my bathroom window. What, really? I thought it was a morning thing. I looked up the spiritual meaning of a bird trying to get in your house and kind of wondered what took me so long. I use to look up the spiritual meaning of everything, I looked up the meaning of a gnat once and I’m pretty sure I wrote about it lol. The consensus is in as I looked at a few results and found the one that made the most sense to me and my journey. According to a bird trying to get in your house is interpreted as a sign of spiritual transformation and growth. Something new is trying to enter your life as you are ready for change. It’s also a symbol of hope and new beginnings.



This type of imagery often appears when we’re going through a difficult time or transition in our lives. The bird may represent something that you’ve been longing for but have not yet been able to achieve. It may also represent a part of yourself that you are ready to let go of. Did someone say ego? Either way, this is a positive sign that change is on the horizon. Speaking of ego, I saw a t-shirt this morning that read your ego is not your amigo.

A bird trying to get into your house can symbolize a number of spiritual meanings. Whether it’s a sign of hope and new beginnings, renewal of the soul, or transformation and growth, the symbolism behind this phenomenon carries powerful messages from the universe. Wouldn’t it be something if now that I looked up the meaning behind it, wouldn’t that be something if it doesn’t come back? That’ll blow my mind and I could use one right about now. Enter stage right with Yeshua.


notice the time stamp

All is well, you are all divine beings eternally and inseparably at one with Mother/Father God who are presently experiencing an unreal state that you all invented with your extremely creative mind. FEAR…





Your apparently real lives as humans in and all that you experience through those forms that is not in complete alignment with love is unreal. LOVE is your true and only nature and the more you can come to accept and trust that Eternal Truth the more you will find peace, love and harmony within yourselves encouraging you to live your lives consciously.

Trust in your intuition, your Christ Consciousness. Your unbreakable connection to me strengthens you and as a result whatever arises in your daily human lives becomes much easier for you to deal with. The apparent separation between your personal individual egos and your Christ Consciousness then starts to dissolve gently and you find yourselves letting go of any fear-driven states of judgement, disagreement or conflict and instead find yourselves being only loving and then extending and sharing love in your interactions with all others.

Love is your nature and right now you’re in an increasingly weakening state of amnesia. As your awareness of your true nature opens up within you, allowing you to accept what has always been true, instead of dismissing it as irrational ego nonsense, your egoic needs while you cling to extremely limiting beliefs about who you are and to postulate those false concepts of duality separation from one another as independent beings who need to protect yourselves from all the dangers of that unreal state just fall away.

Your human senses experience moment to moment, namely the material environment that you can touch, feel and even change by physical interaction with it. To awaken is to come to the awareness that reality is far more than and far vaster than you can know while living in the state of limitation that your bodies provide. Each one of you has an enormous power, the power of God, which is constantly affecting all of creation, even as you believe yourselves to be small. 

As humans you are trained from infancy to obey the authority that other older beings, parents, and caregivers enforce upon you and by the time you become adults most of you have come to an almost automatic acceptance that other more powerful beings control you and that their laws must be obeyed.

This is not God’s will for you. 

When you planned your human lives you knew this would happen but part of that plan was for you to evolve as you grew toward adulthood and then claim your divine individual sovereignty. Many are now becoming aware of this because as you grew you found yourself seeking personal autonomy and it became apparent this was indeed your divine right which is a major aspect of your awakening process. In truth you are not subject to any authority other than your own because you are each totally free divine beings just as you were created. 

As you mature into the realization of what that truly means you also come to understand your responsibility to treat all others with honor and loving respect exactly as God honors and respects each of you. Know yourselves as God does and then allow yourselves to know it too. By discarding and dismissing any last remnants of sinfulness and unworthiness to which you may be clinging because doing so serves absolutely no useful purpose, it’s just your ego attempting to control you. You are all perfect beings just as you were created, this is your unchangeable state of being so rejoice in the knowing that you are eternally and infinitely loved by God. -Jesus

I couldn’t have said it better lol thank you Yeshua. I need to find my way back to my Christ Consciousness, I feel like I strayed this past week but it’s all part of the process and I’m on my way. It’s really hard to be in a place of peace and harmony when I’m playing games with my ego. No more games, no more ego, I’m setting my clear intention right here and right now to officially let go of my ego releasing me of any and all fears no matter how big or small.

I’m taking my power back and along with it I humbly ask my angels, especially Archangel Michael to provide me with the strength and courage and patience required to assist me with my ascension process. I humbly ask Yeshua to guide me and help me to always show and give unconditional love in all matters judging no one ever at any time. Amen.

All this judgement talk reminds me of a picture I stumbled across months ago. I’ve been looking for a way to incorporate it into my blog and I think this is it. It was actually a YouTube shorts titled Ridiculous Reptiles and when I saw Judgmental Number 5, I shed some tears I laughed so hard. I kid you not, one day when I have an office I will print this out and frame it, it’s that worthy. We all know this guy. Don’t be a number 5!

Love and Light