

Let’s talk about angel numbers on the flight alone (that I’ve been on for like 20 minutes mind you) I’ve seen two of em. There’s a inconspicuous 711 hangin out in the a corner near my seat. I look up and BAM there she is staring right at me.


711 a reminder I’m being guided to keep my thoughts and feelings positive in order to attract positive things in my life at the moment and at the right time, every experience I go through, good or bad is never wasted.

Experience = progress which is the stepping stone to my growth.

33: A master number. Okay I have to say right now my legs are beyond restless, which means I’m uber tired, I have to close my eyes, just hope I don’t toot in my sleep cause I’ve been holding em since the first flight lol.



— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader


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