Transhumanism Movement

No wonder I’m so passionate about humanity, thanks to Gregg Braden I just received a huge piece of the puzzle. He’s another one of my pay attention guys, I listen when he speaks. I had no idea this is where we are headed. This is crazy but nothing surprises me anymore. I’m familiar with almost everything he’s talking about but I hadn’t seen the bigger picture, I hadn’t put it all together and now that I have it’s got my gears grinding. So much so I’m up at 6am after going to bed late last night only to be up two hours early today cause I’m working a double so I can enjoy the grand prix tomorrow.

Don’t be afraid he says, be aware. I’d heard of transhumanism but didn’t really know what it was until listening to this interview and then researching it myself.

There is a battle for humanism that I wasn’t even really aware of until now. I was but not on this level. Humanism is what makes us human focusing on our values, capabilities and worth. While I’m not going to paraphrase the whole video I will bring up the aspects I find to be most pertinent and then I highly advise you watch the entire interview, it’s very eye-opening. He talks about quite a bit but what I’m most interested in at this point is humanity and it’s fair to say I have a keen interest in saving the species. We have to do something before we give all of our power away.

He talks about all the chaos happening in the world today and how it’s all distractions to one, keep us in fear and two, to keep us from finding out about the precious power deep within all of us. A sacred power. The power of our human divinity. It’s interesting because he doesn’t ever really mention God in Godly terms if that makes sense, he’s a science guy. What we really need to do is harmonize science and spirituality and only then will we have the balance necessary to continue but until then we just have to keep trying. From what I understand there will come a day when roughly 70% of the population will believe in the same thing as far God is concerned.

Human divinity is only possible through the biological human body. Gregg Braden describes divinity as the power within us to transcend perceived limitations. He specifies it’s not religious however most people do associate that word with religion. I wouldn’t say I associate it with religion, I mean I guess I do if it pertains to God but I don’t really label myself as religious anymore, I’m spiritual. Transcendence (another movie you should see) he explains is the ability to become greater than any challenges, or perceived limitations, that may cross our path.

He goes on to say that these perceived limitations may not even be real. We’ve all been programmed since birth to think we have limitations. We’ve been conditioned through teachings, parents, cultures, society in general, false science, religion, institutions, corporations, and the list goes on. Our divinity is the ability to overcome or be better than the hardest challenges life throws our way. He mentions the reason it’s so powerful is because we have the ability to transcend fear and fear is what keeps us stuck. As a whole, collectively, we are a lot easier to control when we’re stuck in the emotion of fear. Divinity is what empowers us to transcend our own fear. The title of my blog is now starting to make more sense, besides the obvious of course, but not much about a spiritual awakening is obvious. Not at first glance anyway.

Apparently we can only access our divinity through our bodies and if we’re polluting it with technology we won’t be able to access that divinity. The neurons and DNA in our bodies act as antennas and there’s a transhumanism movement happening that wants to replace the synthetics in our bodies with chemicals in the blood, sensors under our skin and computer chips in our brains. I’m not going to delve into the details, watch the interview, but I will point out that like everything else in this reality there’s a flip side. At the end of the day placing all this technology in our bodies will ultimately deny access to our divinity.

It’s the ancient battle of good versus evil and I’ve been saying all along that we are in the midst of spiritual warfare. My question is now, and is always my question, is why. I’m familiar with the origins of our forgotten past but I can’t help but still wonder why, why they’re wanting so desperately to take control over all of humanity. Is it to keep us enslaved, are we in the beginning of a harvest? Every time I watch Jupiter Ascending I catch something new. I just watched it again the other night and I think that makes five times. And how does Covid tie into all this, as if that wasn’t enough. Is that just depopulation? I don’t know.

So many things, topics, have been skillfully weaponized to divide us as society. Politics, abortion, BLM, the rich and the poor and that list goes on too, all designed to break social bonds. You can’t say they’re not doing a bang up job, and you have to kind of commend them for their patience as this plan has been in play for God only knows how long. I don’t think they realized though that people might also be sent from the future and sent from the cosmos to make sure it doesn’t actually play out. Light wins at the end of the day but this is some serious shit we’re in. I have faith all will end well but it’s gonna be one heck of a hill to climb to get there.

It starts with awareness, we can’t let them play us anymore. We have to come to the realization that we don’t have to follow their rules. We can’t allow ourselves to be used as pawns anymore, we can’t live our lives in fear. We need to realize and know and own the fact that it’s our divinity that allows us to transcend that fear. Faith not fear. By keeping us in fear it puts us in victim mode and if you’re in victim mode you feel the need to be saved. The savior in this case, in transhumanism, is technology and that’s not good. These sophisticated technologies that look great at first glance will actually be our demise, if we allow it.

As we merge these technologies with our human biology we will ultimately lose access to our divinity which is a very scary thought and exactly what they want. We will lose access to parts of ourselves and when we start to lose that access we have the potential to atrophy ourselves which is even scarier. I probably shouldn’t use the word scary but this is a very slippery slope and it could be very detrimental. We are entering a danger zone by changing things that cannot be reversed. Gregg points out that we’re about to give away our humanism before we even have the chance to realize it’s full potential.

He talks about the field, if you haven’t seen The 1 Field, I just posted the link in one of my last posts, I highly recommend you watch that too. The field, the other side of the veil, where Spirit resides, whatever you wanna call it, it’s all the same and when it’s all said and done we need our biology to connect to it. We need our biology to connect to the information attached to the field. Divinity is part of that information attached to our intuition, creativity, our higher selves, when we meditate and pray. When you replace the natural biology that connects our bodily temples with the field, when you replace it with synthesizers there’s no longer neurons firing and no DNA which means there’s no antenna to connect to it.

He nailed it when he said that technology is developing faster than morality.

A new age is coming, if you ask me it’s already here. I personally think of God when I think of divinity. I think of unexplainable phenomenon. I think about assistance from beyond. I think about Source. I think about our capabilities within. I think about the supernatural. Science thinks of it more as power, it’s that too. Either way it’s the key to our triumph, it’s how we win this battle. Love is also the answer. Always has been. Always will be.

This movie popped into my head as I was watching the video. We didn’t stop to think if we should was the exact phrase that came to mind. The last sentence rendered me speechless.

Side note on another movie, I watched The Abyss not too long ago which by the way is my all time favorite movie. In Gregg Braden’s interview he mentions briefly something about bitcoin and I found it very interesting that in the beginning of The Abyss when they’re searching the submarine for survivors a folder falls, or floats, out and in big block letters it reads BITCOIN. The Abyss came out over thirty years ago when bitcoin wasn’t even heard of yet but it just makes me wonder how long that’s been around too.

I’m not here to be quiet, I’m here to be courageous. We are powerful. We are limitless. Know this too.

Love and Light