Free Will

Saturday Night Live is littered with in your face truth. I can’t watch anything the same anymore though, even movies, I usually have my journal ready to go looking for the innuendos just beneath the surface. I wanted to watch something funny last night before going to bed and had recently seen an SNL skit from the year 2000 that made me laugh pretty hard so that’s what I looked up. After being slightly disappointed with the skits I was watching this one popped up. While it normally would’ve gotten my blood boiling, now all I could do was take a deep breath and shake my head.

Initially I wanted to post it but then was like I’m trying really hard not to follow this timeline, I’m trying to keep my content positive. But now it’s 4am, been awake for almost an hour already so there comes that point when I can’t fall back asleep and I’m left with no other choice but to surrender. I have to be a part of this timeline because people need to be aware. It literally confirms what Gregg Braden’s talking about and this skit is from four years ago. I’ll be honest, I thought it was longer than that because I wanted to watch skits from the early 2000’s but it’s no accident that this is the one that was brought to my attention. It’s also no coincidence I can’t sleep in the wee hours so here I am.

Speaking of Elon Musk, I’ve mentioned before I don’t trust the guy, alarm bells go off every time I see his face or hear his voice. From what I understand he wants to put computer chips in every new born by the year 2030. I would like to think people would be like um no but where we’re headed is exactly what happens when free will goes bad. Our technology is advancing and it’s advancing fast and people are going to get caught up in the convenience of it all, we already are. Everything is at our fingertips. We stare at our miniature computers all day long and the irony is we don’t even really use ’em for what they’re intended for and that’s to call people. We pay our tabs and purchases with watches and everything under the sun can be delivered to the front door. It’s crazy. I’d rather be living on a farm growing my own vegetables and petting some baby goats but that’s just me.

So yeah, this skit says it all. The last line in this, just like the Jurassic Park video I posted, rendered me speechless. Needless to say I didn’t want to watch anymore SNL, they took the funny right out of it. Don’t miss the Flower of Life hanging on the wall, this whole skit is so rude. I just noticed half of the Metatron symbol in this picture. Rude.


I can’t end with that so this also crossed my path and I love me some King of Queens, this used to be one of my favorites. Remember the good ole days when TV had funny sitcoms like this one. While Roseanne is my all time favorite this comes in a close second. Hopefully now I can fall back asleep. Probably wouldn’t hurt to throw in a little meditation, love me some twofers. It’s 4:44 as I wrap up this blog sesh.


Love and Light