I’ve been asked to look at things from a higher perspective, really take a step back and shift the way I see things. Humans tend to jump to conclusions too fast which doesn’t serve anyone in the long run. When things move outside the norm the human reaction is to assume that something must’ve gone wrong, therefore whatever happens must be bad. There needs to be a realization that there’s a mystery to the unfolding, we tend to forget that there’s a driver driving everything in this universe and this driver is far more intelligent than any human, or even all the human brains combined, often making it difficult to see the bigger picture.
Trust is required. It’s imperative to trust that there’s an intelligence in everything and this divine intelligence knows what it’s doing when it comes to everything, from the budding of a flower to every grain of sand and with every human being. We all came here with a blueprint and everything happens for a reason and it’s now my job to remember that, and to do so unequivocally. My job at this point isn’t to try to change anything (other than my perspective) and it’s not to point out any wrong doings, my job is to simply hold the Light. My job is to be the love, to hold everything and everyone in the energy of love. I need to do my best to encourage others not to give their energy to things such as worry and victimhood and instead to do their best to hold love in their hearts.
Love is the most powerful magic there is. Love transforms and love heals, it blesses and it prospers and it’s my job to hold space for all things love while spreading as much of it as possible. Rather than chasing the causes of the why things are or aren’t happening and instead trust in the process, trust in the intelligence that’s orchestrating everything behind the scenes despite the appearances. It’s interesting because that resonates not only with how I feel about our global events but also with my personal life and my journey in general. As long as we’re looking for the causations and reasoning behind everything we’re also reinforcing the situations that may or may not be happening so it’s best to not try and figure out the why’s. It’s necessary to focus on moving forward no matter how big or bad the battle might appear and focus on being victorious no matter what.
It’s important to do my best to radiate positivity while keeping everyone in the frequency of love by sending strength, healing and compassion while anchoring the light. Everything is perfect from the vantage point of the other side of the veil even if I don’t understand how.
Happy New Moon in Taurus.
Love and Light