I Can Do Better

I like to start my mornings with a little angel message from Truth Well Told Tarot, when they’re available. This morning started with this one…


I love the confirmations they give me, especially when it comes to my blog, they know exactly what I’m writing about and I can’t help but notice that one of my last posts mentioned thank you and how important it is. They don’t miss a beat and that’s partly because they’re helping me write it, right? You betcha. The first five words of the message are what really caught my attention though, be aware of your language. I can’t help but feel like I can do better. But before I call myself out allow me to share with you all the messages I received yesterday. What a great skate session, I even found a penny at my table when I went to put my shoes back on. Yay.

not today satan lol

I was tested with these cupcakes and even a few weeks ago I would’ve caved but not today. I don’t even believe in satan, we are our worst enemies. Enemies probably isn’t the best word either, everyone is our teacher friend or foe. I really need to start watching what I say, even more so than before and for a number of reasons. Words are powerful and I know this. I’ll tell you one thing that drives me a little batty these days and that’s using God’s name in vain, especially Jesus. Not something I do of course but don’t get me wrong, I used to, or I have in the past without really thinking about it but it’s something I’ve really come to notice lately when it comes to others, especially Hollywood movies. Imagine my excitement when The Abyss showed up in my feed last night but the first twenty minutes took those two words in vain multiple times.

My book Conversations with God pointed it out in general and how it’s just bad mojo. To me it points out even more so the spiritual battle that we are in and have been for eons. To me it is a blatant disrespect, or slap in the face so to speak coming from the satanism that rules the entertainment industry. I’m noticing it more and more with all the box office hit movies, every single one of ’em uses God’s name in vain, unnecessarily. I can’t control what other people say but I can certainly watch what I say. It stinks though because I love my sarcastic-quick-witted-no-filter-call-it-like-I-see-it however I need to be more mindful of the who, what, when and where. Our eyes and ears are portals as well that also don’t miss a beat, especially subconsciously, and I shouldn’t be putting any energy towards the words satan or Hollywood. Holy shit balls used to be one of my favorite things to say, not anymore. I’m cleaning up my mouth when it comes to all things godly.

Listening to Paul Wallis has really inspired me to want to watch my mouth a wee bit more too, he speaks so eloquently and I admire the maturity in his dialect. While I will never completely grow up and I was created the way I am today but I can definitely be more mindful of what I’m saying and around who I’m with, which ironically isn’t even many. I think it’s more for me wanting to be better. I’ve been told to be careful with whom I’m spending time with these days as it’s important to protect my energy. Hanging out with certain people can also have a tendency to want to pull one back into old habits and if I’m speaking about me personally that simply means listening to others gossip about little things and I’m not interested in gossip. I don’t want to get sucked into the current events either, I’m also not interested in what the media has to say. I don’t give any of my precious vibes to the chaos happening, I try not to anyway.

We create our own realty and a great example of that was recently brought to my attention by my new favorite intuitive astrologer Pam Gregory from the UK. She said it’s like getting on a rollercoaster where there’s two people and one of ’em is terrified while the other is thoroughly enjoying it. They both produce chemicals and it’s a matter of which chemicals do you want to experience. I personally enjoy rollercoasters so I’m good with endorphins but for someone who isn’t thrilled about riding, producing cortisol from fear isn’t doing you any favors. The same goes for how you choose to experience what’s happening in our world right now and why I choose happy. Everything will unfold naturally so I do my best to go with the flow.

With all that said I’m going to try harder with what I say and how I’m saying it, I’m alright though I just feel like I need to fine tune my verbiage. I do have a filter now so it’s also important I’m not too hard on myself, I guess I just feel as though I need to be a little more gentle with what I’m saying and who I’m saying it to, especially when it comes to the plandemic, that’s where I feel like I need to be more sensitive because it’s far from over. Using the word retarded when describing my little bird a few months ago is another example and I’m happy to get it off my chest. While that was an OG (clinical) word used back in the day without offending anyone, today is a different era and I probably shouldn’t use it, so I apologize.

These next two synchronistic messages happened last week, I’m not sure what came first the chicken or the egg but it was definitely within a 24 hour period. I think I received the rainbows on my hydro flask, then the angel message came about the following morning, but it could’ve been the other way around. Same goes for my angel number 1010, although I see that number all the time. I see all the angel numbers all the time, it’s become such a norm to me now it’s pretty funny, and awesome, so thanks guys.

Love and Light