A Day in the Life of Synchronicity

Synchronicity by definition is a coincidence of events that appear meaningfully related but not casually related. According to the Jungian theory there’s a connection between your mind and objects. In contemporary research, synchronistic experiences refers to one’s subjective experience coinciding between events in one’s mind and the outside world which can be unrelated to each other yet have some other unknown connection. Yeah yeah yeah, blah blah blah. I like to call it magic.

Went to Knotts Berry Farmy Farm Farm the other day with my friend Kathilynn. It was HOT for the record.

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My synchronicities were through the roof start to finish and they were so spectacular that I have to share. This is one of the reasons why it’s all so worth it. To experience synchronicities on the level that mine have progressed to is to simply experience magic. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would get the chance to see such a phenomena that would walk with me throughout my days and as the days do go by they’re only getting stronger and stronger.

It started with me walking to the bus stop. For the record, I prefer to either walk to where I need to go or travel by bus because my car is currently my humble abode where I lay my head so I prefer not to drive it, and why would I really? If I did I would certainly miss most of my synchronicities. Is that by accident? I think not lol so I walk. I do ride my bike too because thank goodness it’s still cool to do just that. So with that said, as I’m walking to the bus stop of course there’s a feather. Then I see this “JOY” sign. When I get to the bus stop and I’m standing there another feather floats ever so softly right over the bench area, over my head and onto the ground. Call ’em coincidences, call ’em what you will but in the land of spirituality that’s synchronism at it’s finest.

Then I get a double dose of triple 8’s. 8’s are the angel numbers representing abundance. I’ve been seeing a lot of 8’s lately. And I mean a lot.

Mind you this is all before we even got to the park. On the way home, these were what I saw…

The Source, so effing awesome and has to be one of my favorites. But seriously, I see angel numbers all day long and every day.

The way I see it right now I’m so totally aligned with my higher self, my Angels and the Universe and I can’t wait for what the future holds.

Here’s a few other synchronicities I had the pleasure of capturing recently…

there’s a penny right smack in the middle.

In my world AAAA is equivalent to 1111, huge if not the biggest and most known angel number. 777 speaks for itself.

dragonflies, highly spiritual.

Speaking of, we saw so many at Knotts. I even saw two humping in flight, kinda like these guys LOL, now that’s talent.

Love and Light